okay, not REALLY wrong... I'm really fine, just SO unbelievably busy with have a Senior in high school that is trying to prepare for a mission and trying to open a children's museum and trying to still get dinner on the table once a week before 7 pm and trying to be supportive of my actor 13 year old who is still confused why he's gotten no offers from Hollywood yet and scouts and orthodontist appointments and my wish to be so lazy that I don't have to leave the house or even use proper grammar and commas...
you see?
but since one of my fave bloggy friends is linking me up in her post today about really horrendously bad date stories I figured I had to write SOMETHING... and in the "spirit of the season" I figured I'd tell you how I met "ManOfTheHouse"...
a- We were both on dates (not together obviously) hiking through the deep wilderness (okay, maybe not so deep) and his girl had twisted her ankle and was sitting on a rock when we came around the corner... my guy was an EMT and was chivalrous enough to offer assistance... it took only a few minutes to fix her up (seriously, the guy had a triangular bandage in his pocket?!?) and we hiked out of there together... I felt a little neglected as both guys helped her hobble to the car - but hey, I got the best out of the deal in the end.
b- We lived in the same apartment complex in college and he and his brother gave me a ride to choir practice one Sunday.
c- Skydiving... hmmm... yeah, I should flesh out that story some more to make it believable...
The fact is our meeting story is SO similar to 1/2 of the other couples we knew at college that we would just make up something on the spot when asked... some of the stories got pretty wild but it was always fun to see which of us would give up first... because seriously - story B was abso-boring-lutely true...
and we lived happily ever after (it got more exciting... really... but you see, my sisters in law read this and they will be glad I didn't add any of the exciting stuff... (hey at least I didn't marry the guy whose story I told on Kelley's blog!)
and on that note I SO have to go switch the laundry so that I can get to a museum board meeting and call with my excuses as to why I can't attend the PTA meeting which somehow got scheduled for the exact same time...