Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I resolve...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I have a curious craving for Blancmange...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A little of this, a little of that...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The twelve months of 2008... (a.k.a. - our Christmas letter)

One the eighth month of 2008, my favorite blogger gave to me one maid left at home while other were off at school a-milking (hey, they had milk with their lunch - you want Keats go read another blog!)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
An Ode to Snow...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Neighbor Gifts
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Living La Vida Tech-NO!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
4 more things you never really needed to know
What? seriously, I missed another Tag? - one of these days I’ll be able to just tell people to refer to old posts because I’m pretty sure that I deserve the title of Tag Queen... I’m sure there’s a crown out there with my name on it!!! Chelsi has given me the task (opportunity) to share with you 4 things about a number of things... hmmm, except I’m not even going to look - so here you get whatever comes off the top of my head - and just because I haven’t been very Christmasy lately - we’ll theme it:
4 things I dread about the Holiday Season: Decorating, Wrapping, Un-decorating, Calories.
4 things I love about the same aforementioned time of year: Food, Family, Peace, Warm blankets on a cold night
4 things I want for Christmas (but am probably not getting): built in shelves, a really nice book light that will last for more than a month, did I mention the shelves?, and world peace.
4 places I’ve spent far too much time and/or $ this past few weeks:, CostCo, Target, WalMart
4 places I’ve gotten paper cuts during the wrapping process: Thumb, wrist, other thumb, “tall man” finger.
4 reasons to be grateful this year in particular: Hubby still has a good job that is supposedly “recession proof”, My kids are all reasonably healthy - and now old enough to know what to do when the flu hits so the clean-up is a lot more tolerable, Junk food consumed in the days prior to, including, and immediately following a national holiday is magically calorie free, I have friends and family who allow me to live in my fantasy world with all of my delusions
4 people I’m sure will be happy to just see their name in print and not worry too much about the whole “tag” aspect of this thing: Janet, Laura, Nanny Goat, and... You - yeah, you know who you are... don't look the other way :)
4 favorite (calorie-free) Christmas Treats: Caramel Dipped pretzels coated with White chocolate and Sprinkled with crushed Candy Canes, Peanut Butter Fudge, Sher's Ginger Cookies, and Candy Cane Kisses.
4 things I worry about too much at Christmas-time: a well-decorated house, being "fair" in my gifting, making all those wonderful yummy treats, getting to all the concerts and parties.
4 things I wish we could spend more time on: Christ, Giving, Service, Family
4... oh never mind... that's enough 4 now!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Obsess much lately?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
You have GOT to be kidding Kid...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Needing a Break...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Past - all the rest of them...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas Past (installment two) AND... Whooooo-Hoooooo!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Past Or... My kids are sneakier than Your kids!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thankful is as Thankful Does...

B family - every last one... for keeping me grounded and for answering all my dumb computer questions
C family - for demonstrating every day the kind of life that I want to live
Dusting cloths... they almost make me thankful for my plantation shutters (but I have an even better “P”)
Everything... listen, don’t go off about specificity now - I limited myself to 26 items and that’s frankly just not NEARLY enough!
Facebook Friends - all those long lost people that add a little spice to life :) and all those not so long lost people that now I get to smack with virtual pillows!
Green. I love it, it’s a beautiful color in all of its hues - the grass, the leaves, the many different shades of olive green which I've painted around my house, the pants I'm wearing, the teensy green specks that come through in those hazel eyes, the plastic spider ring that is sitting on the desk in front of me... okay, well THAT one can go... neon isn't my Fave...
H - my sweet daughter who reminds me daily to be more mellow and who gives great hugs and writes the BEST love notes in town!
Irony. What can I say, I love a good ironic twist in the books I read - and wouldn’t my 10th grade English Teacher be THRILLED to know that I still remember the 2 WEEKS we spent discussing Irony in his class?
Jokes - a good way to break the ice. Besides - who doesn’t love it when a 4 year old asks why the chicken crossed the road? (To go to the movies of course! Hey, that made a LOT more sense than the Knock-Knock jokes!)
Kitchens. Aside from the fact that mine tends to be dirty most days - I love to make a good healthy meal in my own home. I’d love it even more if the kids appreciated the good healthy meal... but that’s another story altogether!
Love. It’s huge people - get some today!
M - the youngest of my sweet kids, who wants to buy me a “Mom Barbie that doesn’t pee” to go along with her “Potty Training Kelly” so that we can play together :)
Nails. They hold the house together, they hang the family pictures on the walls. Mine help me type... what’s not to appreciate?
Others - all those people whose names should be in here but aren’t (sorry “Bloggy Buddies” just couldn’t supplant my own fam... I DO still appreciate you!)
P - that third son of mine, who is teaching me patience (more of it?) and who loves to play card games with me even if I do beat the pants off of him!
Q - the hubby of the year award just isn’t enough - a man who supports my efforts, encourages my improvement, and gives me a hug at the end of the day whether I blew it or not.
Restaurants - there are just days when these save my sanity...
Speaking of Sanity... really, gotta be super grateful for this one - as tenuous as it seems to be sometimes!!!
T - my eldest, who gave me my first grey hairs and who still allows me to drive him to school without stopping a block away... even when I haven’t taken a shower yet!
Umbrellas - we used to live in Seattle and trust me... a really good umbrella is hard to find!
Violins - I played one... my two oldest boys have learned to play it... Q’s family has a couple good players, mine does too. I love the tones of a well played violin!
W - my second son - whose patience and forbearance should be a lesson to us all. He shares unfailingly and forgives immediately - what would I do without him?
Xanadu - and all those other old black and white movies :)
Yummy - I am especially grateful when I hear that word out of my children’s mouths!
Zippers - they’re a good thing - as cute as those old fashioned button up boots are, I can’t imagine taking that much time to slip on my shoes to run out the door - and don’t get me started on button fly jeans!
Just 26... and so many more to go - slip your name in there wherever it fits :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Separated at Birth?

Saturday, November 22, 2008
and here I thought I was so Unique...
Friday, November 21, 2008
But Tag week was sooooo long ago...
are YOU a twi-hard?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Devastating News... ???

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme... (a.k.a. our new Santa Letter tradition)
I have been very Good / Bad this year. The thing I want most for Christmas is _______. When I go outside to play it would be nice to have a ___________ also. The best movie to bring me this year would be ___________ and when I sit down to read I would like to have ___________. A ___________ would help me a lot with learning about new stuff. And since I keep growing it’s probably about time I had some new ___________ to wear! Just for fun it would be nice to have a game like ___________ or a toy I saw called ___________. Thanks so much for everything!
Love, ___________
P.S. My favorite Candy is ___________