It's been a hectic one around here - and I kept saying "at the end of this week, we're all going to take a day off..." we'll get to the day off part later...
We'll begin with last Thursday - W's baseball game was around 5:15 and I had been invited to something or other I was trying to avoid... so when W left his Bat Bag in the car I decided to drag the kids up to the field and stay for the first 30 minutes of his game (Q was meeting us there)... Well, M promptly got herself hit in the
stomach by a playground ball (with the help of P's foot) and proceeded to pass out on me - Needless to say I left the game and the doctors were unable to determine if it was a seizure or just a simple passing out because of stress (stress? she's got no school, no bills... I don't get it!) Anyway, Thursday ended on that note - and the girl is fine.
Friday was a jumble of running around, including my children's museum meeting - to which I took M just in case she repeated her performance, this did not go well, and M's birthday party - which lasted only an hour (the ideal time frame) because of P's baseball game and W's baseball practice and T's friends' birthday party which all began at 5:00. One was early, one was on time and one was late - what can you do? M stayed put in her seat this game and played with her new doll "Sophia Kate" until the game was over (P's team lost, but they are 3 and 1 for the season thus far)
Saturday... hmmm... oh yeah, the older boys had a scout pow-wow thing - we began and
completed W's entire science project - and Q had a 4-wheelin' adventure with the EQ... so I stayed home and cleaned.
Sunday - T got sick - but the rest of us enjoyed church... choir books came and we finally sang something other than a hymn (not that they're bad, but something else occasionally is nice)

Monday - T still sick - M's birthday boola-boola went well - we squeezed in Wendy's and her Tinkerbell cake between two baseball games - P's before the dinner went well but W's afterward began at 8:00 and went downhill from there. The other team's pitcher has a golden arm. The wind was also blowing something awful and despite my warm "cozy" blanket many of us moms were freezing while trying to cheer for a losing team. The snack shack quickly ran out of hot chocolate (not that it was going to help me) and nobody complained when the game ended at 9:50.

Tuesday - Now T, W, and Mom woke up sick, I can't tell much about this day because we all slept through it... gratefully no pictures for you of this day! Weston felt bad enough that he passed out 3 times when he got up to run to the bathroom... a huge knot on his forehead is from hitting the bathroom stool on the way down - the stool where Maryn
happened to be sitting after her own bout with the flu bug... The scouting pow-wow finished up Tuesday night and the boys' didn't end up going... big waste of all that work 'eh?
Wednesday - it's just beginning... W is back at school getting his science fair project set up, T is back at school. P and H and M are all home with me... I've consumed a total of 3 saltine crackers and 3 oz. of water - M is throwing a fit because she can't play with the neighbor and I didn't let her go to preschool - what a mean Mommy I am :(
We will all survive - and we'll be disinfecting the house greatly before company arrives this weekend!!! Bring on the Lysol :)