Have you ever been to the grocery store and seen a sign spelled wrong... you know, like when the "oragnes" are on sale? If you've ever been to the store after I have done my weekly shopping you might have seen the sign corrected in whatever color marker happened to be in my purse that week. It drives me that crazy. You're a business... use a dictionary.
I was once in a local church building where they had signs asking for people to submit questions anonymously for an upcoming speaker... 3 signs... 3 different ways to misspell the word... I fixed them all.
Spelling is one thing - I can actually laugh at spelling errors and enjoy... although I don't enjoy them as much as this guy.
I grind my teeth when I come across words used completely wrong.
This can be a little... problematic... when reading blogs.
I had one friend (a real life friend who had a good laugh with me when I pointed it out) who wrote about being "in term oil"... I read it 4 times before the light came on... Turmoil! Ah... now it makes sense. oh, and perhaps I'd better leave a more sympathetic comment!
I promise - I am getting better about letting it go... but I have recently had to repent to my dentist for the tooth grinding... I blame it on the following:
"... peeked my interest" (piqued)
"...a click at school" (clique)
"in the passed" (past)
"that greats on my nerves" (grates)
I'm not even going to GO into the your/you're, want/wont (and won't), there/their/they're, it's/its, cavalry/calvary issues that I have... This homophone list isn't comprehensive... but yes, they ALL annoy me when used incorrectly.
so, if you're a repeat offender - I still love you... but I may send you a dental bill :) I mean, I'd rather end up wearing a mouth guard than stop reading my favorite blogs!!!
The good news - you can over use ellipses, commas, semi-colons, etc... ALL YOU WANT and I won't complain in the least. I'm a word nerd, but not a grammar guru :)