Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I resolve...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I have a curious craving for Blancmange...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A little of this, a little of that...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The twelve months of 2008... (a.k.a. - our Christmas letter)

One the eighth month of 2008, my favorite blogger gave to me one maid left at home while other were off at school a-milking (hey, they had milk with their lunch - you want Keats go read another blog!)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
An Ode to Snow...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Neighbor Gifts
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Living La Vida Tech-NO!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
4 more things you never really needed to know
What? seriously, I missed another Tag? - one of these days I’ll be able to just tell people to refer to old posts because I’m pretty sure that I deserve the title of Tag Queen... I’m sure there’s a crown out there with my name on it!!! Chelsi has given me the task (opportunity) to share with you 4 things about a number of things... hmmm, except I’m not even going to look - so here you get whatever comes off the top of my head - and just because I haven’t been very Christmasy lately - we’ll theme it:
4 things I dread about the Holiday Season: Decorating, Wrapping, Un-decorating, Calories.
4 things I love about the same aforementioned time of year: Food, Family, Peace, Warm blankets on a cold night
4 things I want for Christmas (but am probably not getting): built in shelves, a really nice book light that will last for more than a month, did I mention the shelves?, and world peace.
4 places I’ve spent far too much time and/or $ this past few weeks:, CostCo, Target, WalMart
4 places I’ve gotten paper cuts during the wrapping process: Thumb, wrist, other thumb, “tall man” finger.
4 reasons to be grateful this year in particular: Hubby still has a good job that is supposedly “recession proof”, My kids are all reasonably healthy - and now old enough to know what to do when the flu hits so the clean-up is a lot more tolerable, Junk food consumed in the days prior to, including, and immediately following a national holiday is magically calorie free, I have friends and family who allow me to live in my fantasy world with all of my delusions
4 people I’m sure will be happy to just see their name in print and not worry too much about the whole “tag” aspect of this thing: Janet, Laura, Nanny Goat, and... You - yeah, you know who you are... don't look the other way :)
4 favorite (calorie-free) Christmas Treats: Caramel Dipped pretzels coated with White chocolate and Sprinkled with crushed Candy Canes, Peanut Butter Fudge, Sher's Ginger Cookies, and Candy Cane Kisses.
4 things I worry about too much at Christmas-time: a well-decorated house, being "fair" in my gifting, making all those wonderful yummy treats, getting to all the concerts and parties.
4 things I wish we could spend more time on: Christ, Giving, Service, Family
4... oh never mind... that's enough 4 now!