what do I not get you ask? I'm not quite sure - but you can check with the teenagers... as of Sunday I have TWO teenage boys in the house. I'm no math whiz but I'm pretty sure that's two too many. I'm bound to be hearing a little more "you don't get it" as the years go by...
Sunday birthdays are a little bit of a bummer. Well, for kids at least. ME? I love 'em and would opt for a Sunday birthday every year - a few hours of church and little else to concern me - what could be better?
The new bike took a spin around the park yesterday and our newly 13 son VOLUNTARILY took not only his 10 year old brother with him, but the 7 and 5 year old girls... and when little M fell down and scraped up her knees - that bike was helpful to make a quick trip home for bandages.
Anyone who has been around M this past week will know this is NOT her first "boo boo" - all told she has bled from one chin, two knees, one toe, and one hand. what a clutz. (and this is where everyone who knows me just smiles and keeps the fact that she takes after her mother to themselves)
Happy Birthday to W - he's a great kid really. We're holding our breaths for the onset of teenage brain damage (which reverses around age 23 I'm told...) and enjoying every moment he continues to be a helpful, sharing, creative, industrious, loving child...
oh shoot - I'll be back later with pictures of the Sock Monkey cake... not my best effort ever, but certainly a lot of fun... even though it WAS chocolate which meant I didn't get a single bite.
Romans 4:18-21 -- On Believing in Hope
8 hours ago