I was raised in a theatrical family. We're not WAY weird... really. As a matter of fact I think the only way to tell is that we all pronounce our words as if we've just taken the voice and diction class that when I finally DID take in college I had explanations for WHY I said certain words differently than most of the population...
an orange sounds more like Our - anj
envelope? to me it's an ON-velope
(sorry, we're not discussing tomato/tomahto, OR potato/potahto - I'm not THAT weird)
the biggest one that gets noticed (because really, how often am I talking about oranges and envelopes?) is when I say Aunt (not ant)... some of my nieces and nephews will say Aunt the "proper" way when referring to me - and just say Aunt (ant) when referring to the other aunts in the family...
Why this whole set-up... why is this funny at all? Well, my sweet little M said her prayers last night and blessed members of the family... Grandmas, Grandpas, Mom, Dad, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts, and Ants...
or maybe she's just showing concern for all those little buggers as they begin to freeze?