Of course brilliant me went without taking my allergy medication - you should have seen the wheeling and dealing that was happening at those tables while the girls were making their mini-gardens in a glove... I eventually got a Zyrtec off a friend for a stick of gum - I definitely got the better end of the deal, because without being able to see, smell, or breathe - fresh breath is nothing.
I get to spend the morning on Saturday at the IronMan... this is no wimpy Triathlon folks - this is some SERIOUS proof that a participant is certifiably insane. Needless to say I am not actually doing any of the running/biking/swimming on Saturday morning... I think I'm actually in charge of removing the little silver foil lids from the Gatorade squirt bottles so that the athletes do not experience the same frustration that I so often see my kids go through when they can't get the stupid straw into the Capri Sun. This, my friends, is why water is healthier for you... it's got nothing to do with the sugars and electrolytes... it's all about that silly foil cap!!!
I don't actually personally KNOW anyone who is participating in this race... so I'm going to be pulling for #27... simply because he was biking in front of me on our local roads yesterday (Thursday) with his number already written in indelible ink on his toned calf. (and yes, a happily married woman CAN say that about another man's calf) He was courteous in traffic, so he gets my vote. Oh right... voting doesn't make a lick of difference in a test of physical endurance... hmmm... well, if I see him, I'll be sure to hand him a Gatorade with a smile :) (oh wait... hmmm... just realized I won't recognize him except from the rear view with the number visible on his leg...) oh well, Gatorade for EVERYONE!
The T-boy got his hair cut.
No joke.
sometimes you just gotta relax as a parent and let it go... but now I'm a little bit worried that there are going to be MORE girls breaking down the door... especially since he ALSO turned 15 this week... check out this "cake to go"... he's off camping with his scout troop as I write this instead of home watching hours of Monk (which is what he wanted to do for his birthday) so we decided a cake in a box was appropriate... and since Panda Express is his favorite "to go" meal... Ta-dah!!!
I can't take all the credit since I saw the idea in a book titled "What's New Cupcake" that I saw at Wally World while shopping for birthday treats. (and YES, I actually purchased the book instead of just stealing the one idea... it's a great book actually... second in the series and the first is just as good!)
oh, and that Karma thing??? I want to point out (for the record) that I never said ONE thing about last months talks... the ones given at my daughter's baptism. I might have thought a thing or two (mostly along the line of "whoa, that was... brief") but I kept it to myself. The ONLY thing I said out loud was during one of my early morning walk/therapy/somnambulation sessions and that was that I wasn't GOING to say anything for fear that I would be saying the talk next month.
Karma sucks. Out loud or in your heart, Karma is listening... so guess who is speaking tomorrow? Okay, well, don't guess - it's pretty obvious. I even tried to use the IronMan as my excuse for NOT doing it... but the bishopric member asking me happens to be a runner and thus knew full well that my volunteering at bike aid station #1 would not take until 4 in the afternoon. To be fair - he did offer to let me lead the music... how wrong is it that I'd rather speak than wave my hand wildly around and pretend I know how to lead music? Did you know I "lead" the music every week for the primary? (the young kids at church) Yep, pretty wrong... I like to hold up pictures just so my hands have something to do besides waving in 3/4 time...
and the school year is coming to a close... still about 4 weeks left, but only 2 weeks left of my after school program... I have mixed feelings about that... I've learned a lot (photoshop, movie making, that I never want to be a full time teacher) and I will miss it... maybe I'll keep making weird videos and you'll have to put up with them here??? Watch out... it may happen!
I am instantly suspicious of anyone named Karma/Carma. She isn't nice sometimes.
We've got a couple relatives doing the iron man. So if you see anyone who looks like my husband give him an extra bottle. I have a feeling he'll need it....
Hey, I was all about the brief talks once I saw how many baptisms were on the list. In fact, I was all about foregoing music AND talks when I saw those 13 names!
Hey Kristina....my moms name is Carma! She's pretty nice.
I wish I were in St. G to listen to you speak (OK I lied, I WOULD listen to you speak, but I am really all about he warm weather...snow yesterday here!)
I think your son is dang cute!
Good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you and sending good Carma your way.
Do ya know that I have never lead the singing? The Elders on my mission tried to make me do it. Thought I should know how cause I was a girl. So I refused then and still haven't learned. I am a bad mormon woman. And keep the talk short!
okay - I'm back from running in the IronMan... which technically I DID do because I ran from our table full of GatorAde to the table full of water for that nice guy from... ummm maybe Spain? so that he wouldn't have to stop twice.
Love That Hair. My nephew is age 10 and rocking a similar look. I try and remind his mom (my sis) that we used to sport buzzed boy-short hair when we were young. And we thought That was cool (sigh).
PS: I hear ya on Ironman. The closest I'd ever get to that would be removing the little silver foil lids from the squirt bottles, too. I'm triathalon deficient; don't think I was born with that particular gene, although I admire those so blessed.
Wow-I would MUCH rather lead the music than speak. Not cuz I'm good at leading, but I HATE speaking. Karma doesn't read your blog, does she?
Thank you for the cake the you pretend made for me:)
Tee hee! That bishopric member of whom you speak has a knack for helping karma do her/his job. It's amazing.
I will never do any triathlon let alone an Ironman, but I am sooo impressed with those who do. They are amazing! (And, some are probably a bit certifiable, as well.) I never saw so many people who were just skin covering muscle that was wrapped around bone. Incredible!
Karma has kicked my butt MANY times! Just nice to know from Tauna that there are some nice Karmas out there. I wonder if it makes a difference how they spell their name.
If you haven't planned your FHE yet you should head over to the Community Center on Monday from 6-9pm. It is their Anniversary Party and they are offering $1/person entry fee for the whole facility. I will be stationed at the Information/Lost & Found/First Aid Booth.
Saw your post on oneshetwoshe...read your post about leading the music(I, too am NOT a fan!)...saw your pic...thought 'that guy' looked familiar...realized we're related! That makes me NOT a blog-stalker, right?!
I don't know how anyone can wear their hair in their eyes like that. It would constantly bug me.
Talking is better than waving your arm around... amen, sister.
uh, literally. ;)
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