forget California... I was out of songs with that state in the title anyway...
Suffice it to say that we spent a few more days there... took a few too many pictures...
served Chocolate Cake to the kids for breakfast before going on the teacups...
you know, all the typical things.
and since then we've been basking in the afterglow of the happiest place on earth - because of COURSE every moment in our lives is that much fun.
I mean - all 3 boys saw the dentist and NONE had cavities - chalking that up to "Disney Miracle"...
Especially given the things some of them eat! Maybe that was a Floride sucker?
The girls have managed to be to most of the soccer practices/games, softball practices/games, dance rehearsals/performances, choir rehearsals/performances - despite the fact that often (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) there are 5 things at one time - WITHOUT my brain exploding. That's a Disney Miracle too.
Okay, maybe that's just a miracle. Pretty sure Walt's got nothing to do with it.
We made it through both of the girls' birthdays baking only one cake for each... we won't mention how HUGE one of those cakes was... or at least we won't mention it until I can find the picture and blog about it... :) Suffice it to say that she is not like to get another cake that large until she's likes a boy enough to want to share a piece of freezer burned cake as an anniversary celebration.
and today, today we're grateful for small miracles - the laundry is getting folded before the pile toppled over crushing me beneath its sheer weight. The REAL miracle in there is that any of the children had anything left to wear... well, at least it will get folded if I ever stop writing.
BUT WAIT - after much whining and complaining and the such from certain people I turned OFF the word verification in my comments - today it is officially being turned back on. Whine and complain all you like, but the experiment failed... after deleting multiple spam comments trying to advertise for less than wholesome websites I really can't stand it anymore. Hopefully none of them got missed in the deletion process - certainly let me know if you see them because as much as I hated digging through and having to read their garbage - I don't want my lovely readers to have to see that as well!
Mormon 5:8-9 -- On Hidden Things and House-Tops
11 hours ago
A princess sucker? Really? Were'nt there any boy suckers at the happiest place in earth? So glad you had a really fun trip.
Nice pics. Glad you could find a few moments to blog between laundry and cooking for us, and cleaning up after us! I'm impressed with the no cavities and that you can get all of your kids to where they need to go, when they need to be there. Three cheers for you.
Wow...princess suckers? Unicorn suckers would have been much more appropriate.
Also, that top photo is amazing, the expression is priceless.
Very good post, recommended by a blogging friend. Will come back to it.
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