
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Day in the Life (subtitle: Could I BE more lazy?)

I had great plans for today - and until about 11:00, I was rocking them!  Let's go back and see where it all went wrong...

6:30 a.m. - the kids are milling about getting ready for school
7:20 a.m. - family prayer
7:30 a.m. - W is out the door for another year of learnin'  (it was boring, they just sat and talked about rules all day)
8:10 a.m. - T gets driven to his school for some education  (don't know how it was... the boy hasn't decided to come home... someone's in trouble)8:45 a.m. - Another trip out to take P & H to their classes.  P's favorite part of the day was lunch - probably because he was too excited to eat breakfast (really!) and H loved the fact that in 1st grade they get 3 recesses!!
Next comes the part that I was dreading... you see, when I was a young child (probably 8) I distinctly remember going to school with my older sister in 6th, me in 3rd, and my younger brother in Kindergarten... this left little 4 year old sis at home alone... and she cried, and cried, and cried...  (sorry K - I've outed you on this one...)  I wanted to avoid that so we've been talking up our exciting day of Mommy and M time - so it was off to breakfast at 9:15 - 
9:45 is where it all took a bad turn... because I actually ate all that food on my plate!
10:30 - after picking up a few things at the grocery store I head home (feeling a little groggy)
11:00 - M wants to watch her channel (KBYU... except I picked the other PBS so I didn't get complaints about the devotional) so that's what she does - while I sleepily answer her many questions
11:50 - a friend calls to make sure we're on the same page about picking up our kids this week...  yeah sure says my half awake self
(insert dream sequence fog here... frequently interrupted by moving up and down the stairs to keep M entertained by computer games and changing channels when something boring comes on)
1:55 - My still sleepy self realizes "shoot, W gets out of school in 5 minutes!"... so much for a day of getting lots of stuff done around the house... maybe tomorrow?

Now they're all (minus T) home and getting homework done (yes, on the first day!) and I have to get my act together!!!  Between Scouts and EQ meetings tonight I'll get a second shot at being a productive member of society :)  

That is... unless there's something REALLY good on the olympics tonight...

Update: T made it home minutes later...  how do you ground a kid on the first day of school...  but tomorrow...

Oh - and how could I forget that I actually made chocolate chip cookies for the kids to have when they got home (the instant break and bake kind were on sale for $2)... so I must be a good mom today on some level at least!


cold cocoa said...

Wait- did you say you were sleeping for 3 hours? Carb overload from breakfast? Sounds like you need a hip hop dvd to get you energized!

I can identify with the breakfast lethargy though. Nothing worse than a heavy sitting breakfast to make me feel energy-less the rest of the day.

Women's gymnastics- I'm sad.

TisforTonya said...

way sad over that one... I'm feeling bad for the girl with 2 falls, she'll never forget it unfortunately... do I want my girls to be gymnasts? hmmm...

Chelsi said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who blew the first day of school with a little too much "me" time. I spent most of my day finishing The Lord of the Rings. It was great, but I sure need to get my act together today!

Heather B said...

Since Josh doesn't start kindergarten until Monday, he and I have grand plans for enjoying our first day without big sibs around. Of course, here we sit, me on one computer and him on the other... Hey, the baby's napping, and we're not messing with that sacred time!! But we're heading out to lunch, then we'll visit Spencer at his job, and then we HAVE to get to the grocery store. Fortunately, Josh likes the store, so all is well. He probably likes it because I cave to the demands of wheedling kids more as I get older and tireder. My sanity for a ring pop? You bet! Enjoy your time, and hang in there.

Michelle said...

We start this week as well and I am soooo excited. I honor those of you who homeschool as well, but I was not put on this earth to do that or I would have been given the talent (at least a little). I've discovered a lot about myself this summer and school is the best place for my children--that way they enjoy learning instead of complaining about it.

Sherie Christensen said...

I laughed at myself because I read your post and still had a frosty and fries to get me through a shopping trip that was kind of during lunch. I felt weird the rest of the day. I didn't get a nap though -- sigh.