
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mark your Calendars!

For those of you who remember - I reviewed a book awhile back... well Farworld Water Keep is now shipping from Amazon.  The official release date is Sept 12th, when I'm sure it will show up in at least one bookstore near you!

If you DON'T remember the review - well, it's over there in the archives - just find it and get with the program already!   Or, click this.  and This will take you to the Q&A.

For my loyal Utah readers (you know who you are) who live near enough to take advantage - J Scott Savage (the author of the aforementioned book) is going to be having a release party at the Spanish Fork Library on Saturday, September 13th from 12:00 to 3:00.  There will be "free food, free posters, drawings, and all that good stuff" according to Scott.  Besides all the good stuff - 20% of any proceeds from the event will be donated to the library!!  If anyone drops by just tell him I said "hi" since I'm going to be stuck hours away at a party that I just found out about yesterday...  be sure to check back to see how much fun THAT is!

He also has a new website here if you want to check it out - since he's almost done with book 2 I'm getting excited to read again...  maybe the book blog won't be too neglected for long?

1 comment:

LC said...

What kind of party could possibly be more important than that one? birthday party perhaps--you already came to that. THanks. What a fun wknd it was.