
Friday, September 5, 2008

Under Pressure!

I was going to do a nice little witty post about P finally getting his wolf badge...  of course, the story which would have accompanied that post may have been skewed toward the "I'm really annoyed with certain happenings within our pack" side and less toward the "I'm really proud of my son's accomplishments" side.  Normally I would go right ahead and vent because hey - it's my blog and this is America where we can complain all we want without fear of repercussion!

Of course...  while at said pack meeting I found out I have readers within the ward (who by the way I am NOT annoyed with).  AND - one of the readers confessed to always getting a kick out of my blog.  So now it's a dilemma what to write - not because I won't vent as much as usual (remember, it's America) but because I worry whether or not I'm funny enough!   (confidential to Ben: THAT's why we all complain!  see, I read your blog too!)

Whatever - I am proud of P's wolf badge - he really worked hard the last few weeks when he realized we were up against a deadline.  By the way - in case you are out there wondering - there is a valid reason that the mother gets her own pin when the kid earns the badge!!!


Megz said...

Good job P! Holy cow, I am so glad I was oblivious to all the scout stuff that I missed growing up. Had no clue about belt buckle badgie thingies and pins and beads and all that other stuff that comes with the territory.
And as far as your blogging audience---it is safest to assume that everybody is reading you as vain as that sounds. Many a time I've refrained from a good venting post for that fact alone. Too bad because there have been some juicy ones you've all had to miss out on...

Ben Kroff said...

Very funny again. This is America, so feel free to complain all you want, just realize that one of your readers could take a comment you make and suddenly come up with the perfect calling for you. Thanks for being a good supportive scout mom to your kids by the way. We sure could use more parents like you.

TisforTonya said...

I think that might qualify as abuse of authority :)