
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Living La Vida Tech-NO!

Definition:  Tech-NO... one of those people who shuns the new gadgetry until they are so hopelessly behind the times that nobody wants to call them because they haven't even got an answering machine!

Okay, so maybe I'm not that bad - but since I was born into a family of computer geeks it sure feels like that.  Hmmm... maybe I should say that I was born into a family that morphed in computer geek-dom - you see, back in 1972 it was a little hard to be a computer geek unless you were one of "THE" computer geeks (who are all fabulously wealthy now by the way... not a bad family to have gone to...).  

Really - they might be reading this and take offense at the word "geek" or "morphed"... but I guarantee you that it would take me less than 1/2 an hour of phone calling within the family to find someone that spoke C++, Fortran, Klingon, and any number of other computer geek languages that I don't even know the names of!  Me?  Yeah, well - I can type pretty fast... in English...  

I have a computer (obviously), and I have a cell-phone (finally got one last Christmas - most teenagers I know had one before me), I learned a few weeks ago how to send a text... it took me about 10 minutes... in which time I could have just called, gotten the answer, and completed the task at hand.  I do not have Caller I.D. because I figure you probably know your own name and you can save me a few bucks a month by telling me who you are when I answer.  And yes - it probably would save me a few times a year when we get called to speak in church or when the neighbor kids are calling to ask if my refrigerator is running...  wait, nope - I'd still answer it because I'm really okay with speaking in church (shoot, Ben, pretend I didn't say that!) and I really like to tell the brats that "yes, it's running and it's almost to your house so you'd better hide under a table"

I have a brother whose entire house is controlled by a remote control... television, stereo, VCR/DVD, lights, probably some other stuff that I don't even know about...    He brought me some of that fancy gadgetry and dropped it off... luckily he was back through town a week later to explain it again... and then 6 months later to give me a quick run-down so that I could use it in a different room...  apparently I'm hopeless?

Too bad all those computer geeks live so far away - I'd really like to move this computer downstairs - move that one upstairs - use the Wi-Fi (which they bought and installed) to network them (I think that's the word) and hook up my new scanner/printer/card reader so that I can finally get some PICTURES on the blog instead of all of the meandering excuses as to why I still can't post anything Christmasy.  And before you ask - yes, there is a cord thingy somewhere that I can connect the camera directly to the computer - but NO... I really don't know where it is or how to use it...   (and yes, in this house "whatsit", "thingamajigger", "dealiebob",  and "weird shaped thingy" are all the technical terms we need to know!)

I hear the local community college offers a "technology for grandparents" class...  but somehow I don't think I can pass for twice my age...  maybe half?  I might be able to go in as a the grand-kid since I was recently shoo-ed from the halls of my sons' middle school :)  gotta love being short!


lori said...

Maybe I can go in as a granparent for you? You make me laugh, but I'm right with you, in fact I think you may know a bit more than I do when it comes to the tech-no stuff.

Heidi said...

Hee hee, haw haw, chortle snort! (my preferred version of the oh-so-common LOL!) If you find your cord for your camera, email me and I can walk you through it. Maybe. Anywho, I am convinced that we women need a lot of help with the electronic stuff because it was all invented by men. These things work the way their brain works so everything makes total sense to them with very little effort. For those of us with more sophisticated multi-tasking brains, well . . . what you said.

My verification word is neyllyrr. That has got to be Welsh, right?

Barbaloot said...

I'm the same as you. All I use computers for are blogging and email. Apparently they do more than that...?

And I thought C++ was a grade. It's a language too?!

cold cocoa said...

It's really dangerous these days to not have caller ID. Everyone assumes everyone else has it, (we are too cheap on that one too) so when I answer and someone says "hi!" or starts in on a conversation I'm not quite in's rough. Then I feel all rude asking, "who is this?"

cold cocoa said...

P.S. Does Q not know you want that book light? I think it's been hinted at for sooo long. How much does that thing cost? If not so bad, I say go out and buy it.

TisforTonya said...

ha! He finally saw it yesterday (after I not so subtly hinted that he take a look at my blog - especially the sidebar part of my blog)... then I went and ordered it from Amazon :) I guess I can take it off now?

Heidi - yep, Anything ending in llyyrr HAS to be welsh!

mariann and Tory said...

Your halarious! I lucked out with Tory cuz he knows all about the gadgits and stuff so I don't have to worry about it! Good job on getting a cell phone! Cell phones rock!

Wep said...

Totally borrow a grandparent! They'll love the day out, and you can get your techy stuff fixed :-)

Tiffany said...

You're not alone. I still don't know how to text and my phone doesn't do that fancy stuff anyway, so I don't need to know how. The world is moving fast, isn't it?

Becca said...

I learned to text message when I was the "dorm mom". All the kids were texting me and I wasn't responding cause I didn't know my phone did that. ha.ha. Now Slim and I use it when I need to talk to him and he is in a meeting! Stuff like, "remember to pick up K". It's really been quite useful. I cannot find the cord that attaches my phone camera to the computer either... It's going to get worse though the way technology is going. My 98 year old grama can't deal w/ cell phones... she accepted the TV and quit learning about anything else after that... and she is very happy!

Megz said...

Since speaking Klingon and being tech savvy seem to be synonymous then I am way OK w/ not knowing either dialect!
Plus, God didn't make thumbs for typing otherwise they would be longer and more coordinated so I'm also OK w/ not texting. Hate to go against nature.

Sherie Christensen said...

Thanks for mentioning my ginger cookies. I was going to make some today but I didn't quite manage it. As for technology -- I'm a bit frustrated with it right now since it is taking forever for the internet to come up and work at our house. I'm becoming more of an expert every time something breaks so I should be thankful for broken thingamaboppers right?

Anonymous said...

Ha, HA!! I beat you on the cell phone thing...I didn't get one until this SUMMER for my birthday!! And I STILL don't know how to program my friends' phone numbers, let alone TEXT somebody!

We had a techno-obstacle course with the YW/YM a few months ago -- the youth vs. the bishopric -- and one of the things they had to do was text the entire YW theme. Our winner did it in something like 48 seconds, while the Bishop was still working on first phrase! Best combined activity we ever had...

Word ver: Imicar ... that's Arabian, isn't it?

The Sports Mama said...

I was informed by my teenager at one point that I was a "techno-tard".

Can't you just feel the love?