
Thursday, December 18, 2008

An Ode to Snow...

I freely admit when it comes to the snow
I am known as somewhat of a Grinch
I refuse to go out when it gets too cold
Below 60 and I start to flinch
I've been there - I grew up in Colorado
Where Jack Frost does nip and does pinch
We're not prepared for bad weather you know
So what do you do in a clinch?
Closing the schools when the wind starts to blow
In the desert - that should be a cinch
I have to admit though, it would seem more apropos
Had it snowed more than one measly inch!
In all fairness to the school district - this picture WAS taken last night when the automated phone calls started pouring in to let us know of the cancellation - by this morning there was slightly more accumulation... but let's be honest - rhyming "2 inches" is a lot harder than rhyming "inch"!


Barbaloot said...

I'm a grinch about snow once it's after Christmas. By then, it's time for Spring I think.

And also--I laugh at people/states that cancel anything when it snows. Lighweights. :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha how cute! i dont like the snow or cold...but i want to see it at christmas time..i want my cake and to eat it too!

Anonymous said...

You are quite the lyricist! You should put this to music, and we could all sing it at the school Christmas concert that was scheduled for this morning, but is now postponed until January due to the "blizzard" we are currently experiencing. So far, one whole centimeter!

And who knew that so many words rhymed with Grinch?

Becky said...

Must... not... mock!

Not your poem - it was fab. Just the people who shut down towns over an inch. I think we'd need a good three feet before they'd cancel school here. And even then, they'd probably just start an hour later instead of closing for the whole day.

TisforTonya said...

Mock away - growing up in Colorado we didn't shut down unless the snow drifted over our doorways (it did happen sometimes)!
This is St. George's first snow-day in 10 years... I do kind of feel bad about mocking when really - why have a snow plan in place for something that almost never happens?

The worst part - my internet was down for a few hours. My 11 year old and his friend (without my knowledge or consent) got up to knock the snow off the antennae, and Ta-dah....

Heidi said...

I admire your resourcefulness in using inch instead of two inches. Some words just aren't worth rhyming (um, to? with?)

nikkicrumpet said...

Very nice...poetry and fav! Thanks for stopping by...I love meeting new sitstah's...but mostly I love meeting new sisters...I see we both belong! YAY and if you tell me you're from Utah...I'm gonna cry! Now I'm off to snoop...don't mind me I wiped my feet.

mariann and Tory said...

Now thats what I call a snow storm! Awesome huh!

Megz said...

Two inches rhymes perfectly with 'myself I pinches'. Plus it just has a flavor that that would work with any ode.
I'm the type of mom who will drive her kids to school in a blizzard. Because I value their education, not because I desperately need them out of the house a few hours a day.

The Sports Mama said...

First, I loved this post!

Second... I would be over the moon for an inch of snow here. My kids would never ask for another thing ever again.

Sherie Christensen said...

When I was little and it snowed in Vegas they held school -- but I fell so many times as I walked to school that my Mom had to come get me so I could change into something dry. It all melted fast though -- I think. The snow is helping you feel Christmas cheer right?

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

LOL---I'm right there with you girl!!! Hey I'm in St. George also!

just the five of us said...

Remember that year in Washington, when every other district was closed except Arlington? And there was at least 2 feet of snow, the next day they closed school and there wasn't hardly anything, it melted!

I guess desert communities don't have snow plows! Because that was how it was in New Mexico too!

I miss snow!!

Tabitha Blue said...

Haha, school cancellations for an inch!! We did have a snow day on Friday for about 10 though!!!! LOL, and I can many times be a grinch at the snow too... ugh, don't like being cold!! Enjoy your winter anyway!!!!


Ash said...

Ah how I understand, if they even talk about snow around her (North Texas) it's all snowplow, salt trucks and school cancelations.

Wonderful poem. Em

Becky said...

Tagged you on my blog today - I know how much you looove tags! :)

LC said...

Thoroughly enjoyed your poem. Very fun.!