and not just because this is so super close up - it's kind of weird to see him minus all that metal and signature green bands...
and before I got a chance to get used to the "look" he headed off to scout camp. I guess it will be awhile before we find out if he's MORE of a hottie now that he's got straight teeth? Remember the hussies at Lagoon who stalked my boy (who is ONLY 14)... at least I scared them off...
Last weekend we rented the wave-runners and spent some time at the local reservoir. The parents and older kids took those things up to top speed on the choppy waters and the kids... dug in the dirt...
but that IS some pretty cool digging they did! (for the record, I told my kids not to bring the garden shovel - they did anyway - little boogers... but it was fine in the end...)
While doing all this beachy fun - A few girls came up to me and asked for my sons' phone number... seriously. Is that bold? and no... I didn't give it to them... ummm, when I was that age I would have DIED before telling some boy's mom that I thought he was hot... ugh, what is the world coming to? (but for the record, I knew this family... good people, seriously... give me a few more years and you're more than welcome to call the boy... even if he does look a little weird to me...)
Aside from that, we had lots of fun... as long as you don't count the fact that the wind picked up and we were constantly pelted with little pieces of sand biting into our skin... ruining my contacts... making all the food a little gritty (is that good for digestion?)... and especially getting into H's bandages.
Oh yeah - suppose I should mention that H gave us another parental first last week - I was driving the 14 year old T home from a party lecturing him about how his actions (not calling home) affect the whole family... when the phone rang and Q lets me know that H has cut herself pretty badly (on a bed frame in the guest room) and we decided to meet at the hospital.
Did you know that they won't reserve a spot in line for someone who hasn't actually GOTTEN to the emergency room yet? Apparently they actually have to do the whole triage thing... blah, blah, blah... don't they know that we neurotic parents aren't ALL crazy?
Do yourself a favor and don't imagine that uncovered and gapping an inch wide... really. Here, this is plenty gross enough - she wouldn't let me get a pic of the injury prior to stitches... and I can't say as I'm real upset about it!
Anyway - after 6 stitches (including one ironically called the "mattress stitch") we were told we could go. Of course, it then took a few more minutes while I made sure I was in drivable condition. You see, I fell apart a little when Q first called - then pulled it together quite nicely when H arrived, while we waited in the waiting room, throughout the triage process, during the next waiting room phase, and sat with her laying in my lap through the whole irrigation/numbing/stitching process offering words of love and encouragement. (wondering all the while how my GIRL ends up with the only broken bone AND the only stitches in the family...)
I was a perfect mom. and then... they said we could go.
I didn't puke. I didn't pass out. Really. but I WANTED to do both of those things. Apparently I looked pretty bad because the guy (nurse/aide/whatever) offered ME cookies and juice... and handed my son a barf bag "just in case".
Haha - yeah, hilarious - laugh at my expense, it's fine... adrenaline makes me woozy, what can I say?
and then, in addition to all of this fun and floozy avoidance - I got a job offer. I've been a full time SAHM mom for... ummm... (Po, how old are you?) okay - almost 10 years. I wasn't looking for a job, really. and then BAM! I got approached by a friend/neighbor/pretty awesome chick who has a job that just might be ideal...
almost all of the hours are school hours - I'd actually be AT the schools some of the time - and those that aren't school hours I'd actually be able to take some of the kids with me for some of them, letting them participate in a pretty cool media literacy class... It'd be flexible enough that I could be there for M when needed, although it would be an adjustment for us all...
I've debated back and forth, and forth and back - and back some more... and forth once again... I've made it a matter of prayer - of fasting and prayer - and although I was "this close" to calling and saying "thanks but no thanks" at one point... it didn't feel right... Q and I discussed it again yesterday and had both had the same thought... so I'm giving it a go. I'm a working mom (well, I will be come August) and will give it a trial run... we'll see how it fares with the family and go from there... because unlike Jon and Kate, my kids REALLY do have to come first!
What else... I'll assume you don't want to hear about my new recipe binder? How about my new pedometer that I'm happy with when it's inaccurate by over counting but which I want to stomp into the ground when I realize I've just walked over 3 miles and it has only credited me with half that? The shopping trip for Q's new suit and the shirt I purchased on same trip that makes me look 3 months pregnant? How about the fact that kids tend to obey signs as written regardless of what they KNOW should be done?
And the fun that the kids had swimming in the pool, visiting with, and having a yummy dinner at Paula's with their grandparents?
I can't complain really - I've been a parent for over 14 years and this was the first time I took any of my kids for stitches... I've been bragging that it's the first ER visit all week but JUST remembered the time when Q had to run T-boy in for an asthma attack in the middle of the night... oh yeah... I guess we're not quite living THAT perfectly after all...
All 3 of my kids have never had any stitches before, but they have had plenty of bumps and bruises. Also, my oldest has had a broken arm before. I have had stitches before, but never a broken bone.
Good for you, for getting a job, I do hope it works for you and the kids. I am thinking of getting a job when school starts in August. One reason I am thinking of getting a job, is we need the money and the second reason is I want something else to do, besides being in the house all of the time, which tends to get boring and I have done it for over 12 years now. I love my kids, but I need something for just me, is that to much to ask. Thanks for your wonderful blog, I love reading it.
So much going on in this post! His teeth look awesome! And look at those stiches. Yikes!
That job sounds great. Good luck!
I think you should be flattered that the girls asked you for your son's phone number! They probably thought you were his sister or something! I can't believe they'd be so bold to walk up to the MOTHER of the boy they wanted to spend hours and hours calling and hanging up the moment they heard his voice in the other end, collapsing in a fit of nervous giggles, then picking up the phone to dial again, holding your breath and hoping that the hottie would answer it again...
I never did that, of course. Ever. Okay, maybe once. Or twice. But luckily, that was before caller i.d. was invented.
And I don't do blood. Every time my kids get injured, I have to hand them over to their daddy. You deserve the Orange Juice Medallion of the year for that!
wow, just reading all that made me tired. None of my children have needed stitches, but my son did have to have some "glue" for a gash on his head. And my husband needed them too....looks like you've been having an exciting summer!
Poor baby! That looks like it's going to be painful for awhile! We had some stitches recently too...part of childhood I guess!
Yeah for braces coming off!
Have a great rest of your week - just stopped over from SITS roll call!
OH MY GOSH!!! OUCHEEEE!!! And way to save your dignity by NOT laying on the floor like someone else I know! hehehe!
YEAH for the job! You can do it! I have had jobs where I could take my boys to work...I was the owner! I think it teaches them more responsibility and my rule is to always answer the phone for them if I am not with them!
I suggest a bubble suit for your daughter. That may cut down on the injuries.
I can't wait for T to get her braces off and then C gets them on. Infact, I wanted to start C this summer, but she needed 2 root canals and that drained the tooth fund:D
Do you remember when M got stitches in her chin at church? and the Dolan's watched T and C? I can totally relate to the barf bag thing. (Infact, last year, when C got her mole removed, I passed out)
Good luck with the job. Being a working mom has it's perks too! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Although, that Jon and Kate thing irks me! I totally think it is part to TLC's fault. I heard a new name for TLC something about totally epoiding lots of children.
i feel like the staff at the ER and i are like family now..seeing as how i'm in there with the kids ALL the time! my 5 yr old had his first ambulance ride last summer...yeah that was fun...luckily i'm started to get used to it!
aaaaahhhh poor girl. I love that picture of you and her, such a great moment to catch on picture, even though it WAS in an E.R.!
Your kids are gorgeous... so get use to people asking for your number!
I'm wondering when I get braces if I should be worried about people thinking I look weird WITH the metal and rubber bands... and NO I won't be getting GREEN rubber bands! lol!
My boy has already had stiches at 2, but no broken bones, knock on wood!
Hey Tonya! So I thought I put you on my google reader but it didn't work...
I hate the hospital! Aric passed three kidney stones over Christmas, they required two ER visits. Luckily no blood was involved.
Good luck with the job!
jessica shows her cute little face!!! (but ugh - the very thought of kidney stones makes me want to drink a gallon of water!)
and I think I'm going to look into April's bubble suit idea... she fell at her computer class today - biffed her knee :) good thing we LOVE her (she's reading over my shoulder!)
That was cool!!! Let me know if ya want to take out the stitches, I do it all the time, and I love Paula's...
Too many topics to address!
I need more deets on your new job--and I'm already seeing you spending your new salary at Michaels.
So sorry about H. I gladly send Hub to the ER when we have need because I prefer to torture myself at home rather than breakdown in front of everyone.
Wow, sounds like you lead one busy life. I just came across your blog, but I really enjoy it and will be back to read more!
Oh my. H leg looks horrible. I can imagine now why you didn't take a picture of it before the stitches. T's smile looks great.
I LOVE those new barf bags. Such a smart design and way better than those little basin things they used to give you! I suppose that's weird to LOVE a barf bag - but I do! I take them as souvenirs anytime I'm at the hospital. I suppose that is called stealing isn't it...oh well!
You're probably thinking "of all the things I wrote and all she can comment on are the barf bags" sad isn't it? And now that I've come out as a barf bag klepto - I must slink away...
Great post!
Cook up some corn on the cob, thats what I wanted when I first got my braces off. His teeth look fab.
Woah that looks like a great gash. I hope your daughter is feeling better. What a tough little girl!
Congrats on the job. Hope it works out for you. It sounds lovely and like something you'd enjoy.
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