this morning as I limped along on my morning walk we were talking about juggling. and yes, I really was limping - probably shouldn't have walked on that darn ankle, but I NEED the therapeutic conversation more than I need to walk the rest of the day right?
anyway - like I said, we were talking about juggling... and having actually learned HOW to juggle back in the college days (can't do it now - don't ask) the analogy was hitting home when we were discussing how we juggle all the things in our lives...
The honest truth? Some days I grab the little juggle-balls labeled "family" and "sanity" and hold on for dear life.
Seriously - if the ones labeled "work", "exercise" and I'm ashamed to say "blogging" get dropped on the floor, they'll still be there when I get back around to them won't they? Shoot - the "exercise" one will be even bigger and squishier and thus easier to juggle right????
See, I can manage - you just may never KNOW that I manage because the "blogging" ball was dropped that day...
unless... my OTHER juggling strategy gets put into play - in which case you'll see me on the 5 o-clock news with the teaser line "local Mom throws juggling balls at students, children, teachers, and anyone else who dares to think she should take any responsibility for anything other than her own nailpolish"
I drop certain balls all the time; sleeping, wearing make-up, working-out, showering... I think you're good with family and sanity:)
I think that it's OK to drop the blogging ball sometimes, but not the family ball.
Hey, I haven't blogged in a while. I guess my balls have dropped, been broken, and picked up for the trash!
I drop all the balls all the time...
I drop kick balls too. Sometimes they aren't mine. Ahhh....the life of a perfectionist. =)
Yeah, my blogging ball has been collecting dust under a couch somewhere, but I figured it was okay (at least for a while) since I was juggling my shiny new-house ball and introducing the husband-goes-back-to-work ball too.
Somehow I never have a problem with the find-the-only-morsel-of-chocolate-in-the-house-and-devour-it ball. Strange...
I really never could juggle, too bad there isn't a way to squish all the balls together into one big ball (kinda like i did with all the hail we had yesterday) and just throw it at someone else :)
yeah...i know the feeling! it's been a survival of the fittest kind of month around here!! as long as the kids are fed and bathed, it's a good day!
YOu should be ashamed of yourself! The BLOGGING BALL? WTFreak???
Okay I kid, I've dropped that ball quite a few times this summer!
I've missed be around here... I'm sorry about your ankle!
you see this... all those comments above... THOSE are the reasons I keep up the blog at all... because I know I'm in good company when other people give that kind of support :) thanks all!!!
Maybe that's why smart people juggle with soft balls. Cause it doesn't do any real damage if you drop a ball or two. But just don't start juggling with knives, because then real harm can come when you drop one. This is like a Deep Thought by Jack Handy isn't it? Aren't you glad I commented?
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