I often say that I am the Queen of Procrastination. Argue if you must, but that's the truth... you can be the Princess of Procrastination if you like... or the Prince... or the Duke or Duchess even, but Queen is all mine.
If I have a meeting at 2:00 it is not unlikely that I will wait until 1:15 to jump in the shower. If I have to PRESENT at said meeting... Well, let's just say that when I spoke about blogging a few months ago I had a very late night cobbling together my presentation... in the morning? I was just awake enough to slap on clothes, grab my notes (after forgetting them a few times), and jump in the car (someone else's car... I'm a responsible exhausted person)
Today - procrastination caught up with me. My gas light went on 3 days ago. It being summer vacation I don't have too many places that I NEED to be... so I waited... and waited... and told myself with each 4 mile jaunt that I certainly had enough gas for this short trip. This morning? It could not wait any longer... so I nudged the VeggieTeen a few minutes early - there are multiple gas stations on the way to his band rehearsal after all...
The first (my gas station of choice) had a big tanker truck parked there. Now I have no idea if this is actually TRUE, but I heard once that the act of pumping gas IN to the underground tanks is liable to stir up the sludge that has settled to the bottom - and filling your tank at this point is a bad idea. I'm a sucker for that kind of scary story so I passed on that station and continued my drive... passing on my possible misinformation to the VeggieTeen as one of his "life lessons"
Stations #2 is just a hop, skip, and jump further along the left side of the road... so when I swerved into the right lane I got a questioning look from the Veggie Teen.
I guess he was expecting another "life lesson" about why I didn't want to get gas at this particular establishment... because he just laughed at me when I explained that that place piped loud Country music into the parking lot.
But... Country music makes me crabby. Crabby drivers are bad drivers... see, it was a safety lesson after all!
(For the record: I love Google, I love that I can find a Country Music artist beginning with the letter P without actually having to know what they sing/drawl/twang... whichever)
(For the other record: VeggieTeen was not even late to band practice... but I did have to only fill up the car to 1/3... still putting a huge dent in the bank account)

Nice move on the country music gas station. I'd definitely do the same. Wish my wife would.
I may have met my match for Queen of Procrastination. I think several months ago, I might have had you beat. But I've been working on it, so you probably have the reigning title now. So I won't fuss or demand a runoff or a vote.
I have only run out of gas, once. Once was enough, it scared me to pieces. Now, I'm ocd about it, my gas hand has to stay between 3/4 and full at all times. It annoys my hubby so, because he has to keep it filled. I'm not a country music fan either, but some I can listen to, like Carrie Underwood. But being late makes me a crabby driver, even though it's likely my fault.
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. :-)
Wow, to have more than one choice of gas stations by your house. I wonder what that would be like? I am crazy about the tank being full as well. It's a form of preparedness, right? Lately, though, the tank has been far too close to empty than I have ever had it and it makes me nervous.
Oh how I hate a fuel light and I've seen many in my day....As for the country music..well, I kinda like the old stuff!
Oh my gosh, I do the same thing when my gas light comes on. I know I can squeeze out another 20 miles. I am waiting for the day I run out on my way to an appt.
Our gas gauge is broken. It never shows itself as being empty and the gas light will not come on before the car has absolutely no gas in the tank. I watch the miles I drive because I don't want to run out of gas again -- and the time I did run out of gas I was just a few feet from the Homestead! Tia ran out a few miles from home and now is a bit psycho about filling the tank sooner -- which is probably a good thing.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel about country drivers?
So I wanna know how much it cost you to get that gas tank light to go off.
We once ran out of gas in the middle of an intersection in SL. That's when we found out our gas gauge was broken.
I've heard and bought that story about the tanker in the gas station. I always pass if I see one. :) But I'm so worried about running out of gas because I live in the middle of nowhere. As soon as the warning light goes on - I am headed to the gas station.
Atleast you didn't run out of gas, :) which said princess of procrastination has been known to do :)
I play the "see how far I can go with the low gas light on."
Country music is not a good friend of mine, but an aquaintance!!
I will go out of my way to go to this one gas station that plays the news on tv monitors in the pump while I gas up. So I totally understand avoiding the country music gas station. Or any country station, really. (See what I did there?)
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