
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stop the Presses!

I suppose that the words "Stop the Presses" shouldn't be used on a nearly defunct blog.

I'd make all sorts of excuses for why I was so busy - the holidays... blah blah blah blah blah...

Guess what I learned this weekend? 

Turns out that each and every one of us on this earth has the same number of hours in the day - so my lame excuses about not having enough time are just not going to sell.

Honesty? Well, in all seriousness - this stupid nutrition class/weight loss thing is the ONLY thing that's been occupying my thoughts and this is NOT a diet blog.  I do not want to write a diet blog... I can only assume that you don't want to read a diet blog...  so I just ended up not blogging.

Okay - so that's actually only half of what I did.  I also wasted a HUGE amount of time on pinterest.  If you are not familiar with pinterest it is a lovely little corner of the web where people like me "pin" all of the things from around the internet onto virtual corkboards so that I can someday look back and see all of the million things that I wish I had actually done. 

Seriously - I have a young friend who has her entire Pinterest wedding planned out down to the napkin rings.  I don't think she's dating anyone right now.

BUT - this is where the Stop The Presses comes in...

MADE something.

and not just the cinnamon roll pancakes.  although those are to. die. for.

While perusing Pinterest yesterday I saw a cute skirt made from fabric and an old pair of jeans...  it was cute so of COURSE it went straight onto my "Sewing, Yeah, like I do THAT" board (seriously, that's what I named it...  I like truth in advertising) and went about my life...

"Life" yesterday included taking my kids to the dollar store so that they could pick out some goodies to send off to some missionaries... we're nice like that... cheap, but nice...

As we entered the dollar store I notice that sweet H is tying her sweatshirt around her waist.  Since it is about negative 23786 degrees Kelvin right now I'm wondering why on earth she would do this... and wondering why on earth she is tying it on backward...  maybe she's just THAT proud of the BYU cougars? (hey, no college slamming around here people... take it outside!)

Turns out she'd been practicing the splits for her Hip-Hop class.

and there goes one more pair of jeans into the trash... but wait!

Yep - I have some fabric... I have a sewing machine... I have thread

and now? now I have a cute new skirt for my little girl!

At the expense of one needle...

Lest you think this is a one time thing - I also have a few other crafts that I made with my Young Women at church... at least one of which began its life on Pinterest :)

So now I need a new board: "Things I can actually vouch for"....

at least that one won't have 2356 items on it :)


Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I signed up for pintrest but still haven't received my invitation! *sniffle*
Anyway, go you!

LC said...

Way cute skirt!!
I'll have to check out pinterest...interesting concept.
My neighbor is doing something called the 17 day diet/cleanse--eating only vegetables and egg whites or something like that. I've been meaning to google it because he's lost 35 lbs! It's making vegetables sound really good.

Lisa said...

Darling! I was invited to pinterest, but fortunately couldn't figure out what the H it was, and have not been sucked into the creative black hole. But I bet it happens sooner than later. I am impressed.

Sherie Christensen said...

Nice skirt. And really it can't possibly be that cold where you live can it? Okay, so I'd probably think so if you did -- but it was more colderer here! Is your class over?

Jen T said...

No clue what pinterest is, but way cute skirt! You should be proud of yourself and H should be very proud of her BYU shirt. That is all my kids where out here in Jayhawk territory :)

cold cocoa said...

I want to hear how the class is going. We all know you're crafty. Super cute skirt!

Kristina P. said...

You did good. I hope you grind your own wheat, too.

Megz said...

Why is the skirt in a tree? (couldn't resist)
Erin's tried to hook me onto pinterest a few times and I'm pleased to say that I'm quite immune to its appeal.
Is everyone just getting blog lazy now? Or just us?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Holy crud, I want that skirt!

Teachinfourth said...

I've heard of Pinterest...I stay away. I already have too much to add something else to remind me of all the things I want to see/do.

Good for you for being awesome and doing things for others. THAT'S what Christmas is all about...

stephanie said...

What! two weeks no new post!
I haven't caught the pinterest bug yet.
cute skirt!