I take my morning walks 6 days a week around the track of a local elementary school - and it never ceases to amaze me the number of teachers who show up before we do (at 6 a.m.). One teacher in particular (who drives a big red noisy truck - but that's not the point) comes nearly every morning and is faithfully sitting at his desk grading papers.... or occasionally running around the halls preparing something or other.
Today? Today there is no school... and yet there were still three cars at the school. You guys amaze me... seriously - but please, for the sake of your families and making all the other teachers look like slackers... go home, sleep in... go hiking... but just ONE day - please relax and think about you. In the long run I think it will prevent you from having a nervous breakdown in class and cutting off all your hair with the blunt tipped scissors. (man THAT story will haunt me for the rest of my life)
and... thanks for all you do :)
Psalms 146:8-9 -- On Open Eyes and Good Works
23 hours ago
Um, have you ever shared with us the blunt-tipped scissor story...?
Good for teachers, or anyone, that is willing to dedicate so much time to others. Hopefully they have a day every once in awhile to recover.
That was sweet T! As for me, you won't find me at school when it's my day off, no worries there!
More likely you'll find me blogging about school, at home still in bed.
Those adventures can be found on my other blog, Thee days a week.
I was once one of those teachers, but soon found I could not save the world. I was a much better teacher, parent, and wife when I took more time for my family.
What can I say, I am pretty much the most amazing man in the world.
Actually, I am NEVER early, but I often stay fairly late. Way past when I am scheduled. Yeah, I pretty much do it for the money.
LOL at Cheeseboy's comment...Ya he def. does it for the money...NOT.
HE probably LOVES his job like most teachers do. :)
But I agree, take a break every now and then...
Those were probably people vandalizing the school. Thanks for looking out.
Thank you for thanking us! You are correct that it's not easy to find the right balance between dedication to the job and dedication to family/health/life. It's important to try, though, or ugly things can happen (even if no scissors are involved).
Yes I am so amazingly grateful for awesome dedicated teachers, but I agree, when I see their cars there at 7 or 8 p.m.--please go home! You deserve a rest!
My brother was a great teacher until the principal told him to stop putting in so much effort because it made the lazy teacher in the same grade look bad. Now he is a software engineer. Sad but true story.
That being said, I am a big believer that days off are important. Less stressed and exhausted people are more productive.
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