at least that's what I've heard... but I was willing to buck conventional wisdom and give it a try anyway.
I must not be completely recovered because the first time I typed the previous sentence it said Confectional Wisdom... which sounds tastier... but certainly less wise.
If I commented on your blog yesterday - please ignore anything written in my ick-induced stupor. Unless it was witty and wise - in which case it was totally me.
I think I do my best work when I'm not 100%.
Like the time I was directing "The Good Doctor" by Neil Simon...
My dress rehearsal was scheduled for the same day as my wisdom teeth removal.
I may have announced to an entire room that my legs were growing...
I may have fallen into the orchestra pit... that part is hazy.
and I may have made a few changes in the show.
They were ALL hilarious... at the time.
Two nights later at the opening? Okay, still hilarious.
Good thing my actors were such good sports!
I'm going to ask a favor now... and because you feel in a generous mood you're going to comply.
Especially since it's totally free.
#1 - Find your very favorite Smoothie recipe... c'mon... everyone has one right? (and the smoother the better... you'll see why in a second)
#2 - open up your e-mail and pop in this address for my Sister-In-Law... the food blogger one... and send her the recipe. If you have a picture - include it... If you don't have a picture... do what I do and draw one!
#3 - if you draw your picture it doesn't necessarily have to be of the Smoothie... Might I suggest something like this?
That's right - we're collecting recipes for a bloggy friend Devri whose daughter had a little bully run-in and will be eating only Smoothies for a little while... and by little run-in I mean horrible terrible experience resulting in a broken jaw (see, these have got to be SMOOTH smoothies) and some serious hospital time. I don't know what this world is coming to... it's a good thing that there are good stories out there to counter my cynical "world going to heck in a hand-basket" attitude sometimes.
#4 - if you actually have a smoothie picture - include a nice little note for this 12 year old - who is really a tough little cookie going through a rough time! And her Mom? Yeah - there's a lady who could use a sick day right about now... but she's not slowing down :) Maybe two notes would be in order :)
#5 - leave a comment here telling me a good story to counteract my attitude :)
Recipes will be posted at Taste Buds Are The Best Buds soon... which is my go-to food blog of choice, not just because it's my Sister in Law... but because I might actually MAKE the things I see rather than just coveting the ability to make them...
Psalms 146:8-9 -- On Open Eyes and Good Works
22 hours ago
Just catching up on your blog. You are hilarious! Hope you feel better!
I love smoothies! but I also love diet coke and when it is a choice between the two, diet coke often wins.
"Taste buds are the best buds" is my food blog of choice too.
You sound like a funny sick person :)
Oh my goodness! How did I miss this about Devri?
I hate bully stories. Hopefully a quick physical and emotional recovery are in order.
Who isn't in the mood for smoothies?? (once the freakin' snow melts anyway..)
Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you are busy to the extreme. Can I be in your play sometime? (FYI I've never acted and I have a stuttering problem.)
Sick comments are the best kind of comments to get. Except for drunk comments.
That sounds like one mean bully. As for smoothies I didn't know about recipes for those. We dump whatever fruit we find in the freezer with some ice and juice or something. I must have missed out on any weird comments. I hope you are feeling much better.
You are too nice! Hope you feel better. I'm excited to see some smoothies recipes!
Things are always funnier when you're out of it, or dead tired. It's when we come back into it that we realize that we weren't quite as hilarious as we originally thought (or in my case).
Glad you're feeling better.
Hey Misery loves company...isn't that's the saying anyways?? Well we should get together and be couch buddies!!
I hope you are feeling better soon. T just had her wisdom teeth out last month. She was miserable for over a week. (:
Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to see all the comments I've ever made on blogger complied into one list. Interesting perhaps, but probably more mortifying. How many times do we ever comment, then click submit, then never look back? I bet I've said some totally ridiculous stuff. And yet, I'll never know it.
Hope you're feeling better soon. :)
Poor girl - my stepson broke his jaw last fall. It is not fun at all.
hmmm the only one i can think of right now is a purple cow...
and that is basically grape juice and vanilla ice cream...
either that or a orange julius...
i'll have to think about that one...
a broken jaw sounds awful!
Our favorite smoothies are OJ, frozen strawberries and vanilla yogurt. Yum! Great anytime. Hope you are feeling better! Moms really never can have a sick day--it just doesn't work, but dads on the other hand. . . :)
I eat a green smoothie twice a day, every day and I love it, but I will refrain from inflicting my raw spinach predilections on a child who has already been tortured with a broken jaw.
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