I'm slowly realizing that as parents we give our children a few things.
no, not roots and wings... that's not philosophical, that's just cross-stitch-able.
what we give them differs depending on the parents...
I've ranted and raved about how ManOfTheHouse and I have managed to "give" them our worst qualities... his crooked teeth, my rotten eyesight, etc... but apparently we've given our kids a few things that might even be "positive qualities".
take Veggie Teen for instance.
Rotten, crooked teeth. Asthma. Stubborn to a fault. Tendency toward snarkiness at the most inappropriate of times. Don't forget avoids chores like the plague... we passed all of these on to him. We're not proud of this, just accepting our part in the disaster of DNA.
He is also a lover of music, brighter than average, tenacious (nicer word for stubborn), and curious. These traits - why yes, we're rather proud of passing on these... I will take the credit for "brighter than average" - ManOfTheHouse can have "tenacious"... no wait, yeah - that's probably me too... I'll let M.O.T.H. claim "handsome" - because while I'm sure that was a compliment in the 1800's, today... not so much.
Fortunately for us (well, and for him) the resultant person that Veggie Teen is fast becoming... IS much greater than the sum of what went into him. He makes good choices in friends (well, most of the time), he is a pretty decent brother (hey, that can be tough at times) and the modicum of musical talent that we as parents gave to him... he RAN with.
I am constantly amazed when the boy sits down with a guitar or at the piano - and within the hour he has learned a new song, or composed something of his very own... He has a gift.
As you read this I am likely up North helping him prepare to show off his gift at the Battle of the Bands. This proud Mama would like to think that her part in this contributed sum-thing to the whole... but the truth is - these boys (the whole band) has worked their fingers to the bone (okay, not really... that's just gross... and makes it difficult to strum the guitar). All gifted musicians here... the bass player? Learned the instrument just to help out the group - and he rocks it. The vocalist? Also plays a mean harmonica - no joke! Guitarist? Rocks. The Drummer? Out of this world... and I think that's a direct quote from the judging sheet :) Keyboards? oh, well, I've probably bragged on my kid enough...
So, before the sound checks are done, before the songs are judged, before the results are in...
I want to be the first to give them my standing ovation - Way to Go Guys!!!

and yes... you (family and friends... and anyone really) ARE invited to the big show - Jordan High School in Sandy (on Beetdigger Blvd, hehe) - 7-9:30 - Saturday March 19th... everyone who's everyone will be there... okay, so I will be there, and... ummm... some family... and a whole boatload of other people. I mean... really, what ELSE are you doing with your Saturday Night?
I'd ask you to say a little prayer for them to do their best... but even I am having a hard time keeping a straight face during those prayers... given that their band is named "The Aliens from Planet Rock"... yeah, I have a brother-in-law who could do that with a straight face... but not I said the little red hen.
and yes... just so it's clear - this TOTALLY counts as his birthday tribute... same goes for those shoes I bought him for the performance. Just sayin...
We are up NOrth now, but have to go back tomorrow morning... bummer! I will wish him luck and he is pretty cute... I've seen him in Real Life so I can say that!!
How very talented and you should be proud! :)
Wow. Between the Murray High show I went to and the West Jordan High showing of The Wedding Singer tonight, I don't think another one is in my cards. Not that I was invited anyway.
I didn't realize that not doing chores was part of the DNA. Darn my parents for that!
Sounds like a terrific kid! You definitely should be proud.
pshaw - Cheeseboy, you're definitely on the invite list :)
Oh, man, that is so close! I wish I could come. Tomorrow is snuggle time with me and the soon to be firefighter. And by snuggle, I don't mean anything naught, surprisingly.
Every time I complain about something my mom or dad passed to me that I don't like (say, walking like a duck) my mom is quick to point out all the amazing things they gave me as well:)
Good luck to him! If I weren't going to a YSA conference under the pretense of being spiritually uplifted but really just looking for someone to date, I'd be therE:)
Hey! Would you care if I come? We live seriously right down the street from Jordan High. I can't believe I taught Trevor lessons! He was pretty much my only student that practiced or sometimes didn't have to practice and was just naturally smart and talented. Now he's pro! (not saying I had anything to do with that, I didn't)
Good job on raising a fine young man! So I might see ya there tomorrow!
Good luck to the boy! I'm sure he'll continue to give you all kinds of reasons to praise and brag~interspersed with "What the H?" moments. If my own experience is anything to judge by. :)
Awesome! Good luck to him on the big competition night!
What an awesome event that will be! Have fun, we'll keep the band in our prayers :)
What an AWESOME kid you have there!!
Sorry I'll miss the gig, sounds like a rockin good time!
Isn't itngreat to be proud of our kids? Best of luck tonight!
I'm looking forward to seeing if my pathetically small voice can yell loud enough that Trevor can hear me.
This is so cool! You are an awesome mom!
Man, this is what I get for reading this a day too late! I hope it went well.
Wow! The mom of a famous band guy.
Too bad we were in St. George on Sat. How did they do? Happy birthday and hopefully congrats Veggie Teen.
What an awesome band! Hope they go on to do great things! Hard work does pay off!
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