
Monday, May 9, 2011

Spoiled Rotten

Let's face it... I'll never get EVERYTHING I want for Mother's Day... because as of this writing nobody has yet invented the Universal Mute Button... y'know - that little device I can keep in my pocket that will automatically silence the phone call that interrupts the prayer, the blathering busy-body at the store, the iPod in my kids' ears that is keeping them from hearing my pleas for help, and the sassy child. When that is invented life will be perfect... well, as long as nobody else around me gets ahold of one :)

Until then... my family did pretty well :)
Breakfast in bed... complete with my daily allergy pills :)

The final card from M... (she made 4 this year) - presented during church.

Mostly because she wanted me to use it to "sing" along with the primary Mother's Day songs...

And... if you didn't get what you wanted... hey, you're on a computer right now - what's stopping you?

Okay, I mean BESIDES the credit limit?


Heather B said...

Anh, credit limit, shmedit limit...

So glad you got what you wanted, the allergies got shown who was boss, and that you got an awesomely cool card! (or four!)

Take care, you fabulous mom, you.

Kristina P. said...

Is that a box of cupcakes? That is awesome.

S said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful day! You earned it.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Well, you totally scored!

I really like the a sorta creepy way.

Uh, I have the mute button. Really.
Except I lost it.

Hope you have a great week.

Jenny P. said...

The pills with the breakfast is my favorite part. So very thoughtful...


Barbaloot said...

I want a card that I can use to sing along on hymns. Very awesome.

LC said...

Wow. That is quite the loot!
Love the green singing card!

Sherie Christensen said...

Ah, it is good to be spoiled and that was quite the breakfast! Who made it? I hoped your day today has been good as well.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Love the card! Glad you had a good day. :)

Megz said...

I too spied the box of cupcakes. I think I would have skipped the more traditional things on my plate (after the kiddies left of course) and went straight for those!

Lisa said...

Seriously, coolest card I've ever seen. I think she should make you several for every holiday. Or sell them to husbands who forgot to give their wives Mother's Day cards. Eh? You were spoiled. Good on ya.

Cheeseboy said...

Now THAT is a creative Mother's Day pop up card. I do hope that you did in fact sing along with it.