The VeggieTeen is still asleep.
Scheduling a dance for Tuesday night until 11 p.m. pretty much guaranteed an empty school on Friday - and I can't help but respect that kind of wisdom.
The size of the pile of "backpack barf" (the stuff that comes home the last few days and then jumps out of the backpack onto my recently vacuumed rug) is directly proportional to the amount of time spent cleaning the house that day.
I am avoiding any unnecessary cleaning today - for fear that the pile will get larger!
I probably should have made a special breakfast for my kids today.
Marshmallow Mateys are special enough for the last day of school... when school starts again I'll celebrate with donuts.
Tomorrow they're all going to be home... all day...
The first child to say "what is there to do..." will be punished.
probably with a list of possible chores.
If I haven't written anything witty by next Monday - please call and insist on hearing my voice... because it's entirely possible that I will still be buried under piles of backpack barf and gym clothes that haven't been brought home since August.
Welcome Summer... I think...

Backpack barf, yep, that sums it up perfectly!
Man we go til the 16 of June and you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be sleeping in just like the Veggie-Teen come the morning of June 17!
We get out here next Thursday, I think. Long school year!
Ha! and well said!
I shoved our b. b. in the laundry room for now because who wants to deal with that??
I must confess that backpack issues are my forte. I love cleaning out a backpack and recycling all the papers and throwing away all the crafts... It's probably because it's a quicker way to feel clean than tackling the larger areas of the house.
Good luck to us all this summer!
Kayli and Connor stayed home today but will go for the half day tomorrow. Jake went so he could swim. Dan can't wait until they are all home with him, and I was thinking that I needed to get the kids to go through all of their stuff before it gets left in messy heaps in corners somewhere. Happy Summer!
What are you going to do all summer?
I can smell the backpack barf from here, clean it up will ya?
You'll probably find a bunch of missing assignments from Christmas. Keep them and change the date, you'll have a headstart on next year's assignments.
I feel your pain! I have a 6 y.o. granddaughter living with me who has been bringing home piles of clutter. And a bill for a library book that was overdue BEFORE she came to live with us! Good grief! And a 21 y.o. son who stores dirty clothes, in his room and / or his Jeep, until he decides he needs them and then he brings me 17 loads of laundry at once! (Thanks, Joe!) The really bad ones are the sweaty, dirty karate uniforms that have been stored in a duffel bag in a hot car for weeks on end! Shudder! I need to teach that boy to do laundry!
"Backpack barf"... I love it! If it makes you feel any better, teachers bring home an entire case of "desk debris" that normally sits and clutters the house until about a week before the next school year starts.
And what is a Marshmallow Matey? Please share!
Optional for HS/MS? Yeah right, teachers needed extra work days :) I just resurfaced from the backpack barf from my 4, and they have been out of school for a whole week already, so I feel your pain!
Let's make a pact~when my kids say they're bored, I'm shipping them to your house for you to raise and discipline, and you do the same with me. Deal?
Optional attendance?
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