Okay - When Quinn and I saw this movie in the theatre (which is a rare treat for us) I wasn't sure it would live up to the first... I actually enjoyed it quite a bit and was really excited at the end when the credits rolled -- you see, through the whole movie they're trying to prove that Thomas Gates wasn't an accomplice in the Lincoln Assassination - having been accused based on a partial journal entry with his name and the following: "artifix ae..." - here in the end credits they reveal the remainder of the words and I didn't have anything to write on in the theatre and had forgotten them before getting home where I could log on to the free latin translator :) I debated going back to the theatre to see it again, bugged many friends and relatives to pay good attention at the end... all to no avail (couldn't bring myself to pony up another $7).
So today - the DVD is released, I grabbed it quickly, stuck it in my cars' DVD player and went straight to the end credits... and what it says is "artifix aenig malum" which between the movie telling me that Artifix means mastermind and Malum means unfortunate leads to a whole lot of nothing, since Aenig isn't a word I can locate...
All told, the down and dirty of this is that I wasted over an hour of my precious time because I tend to obsess over small things like that... Maybe Meg will remember the hidden code on the DaVinci Code cover that I discovered, figured out, and it turned out to be a lame plug for an upcoming novel...
Wow- you're probably a great scriptorian though, if you are noticing the little details. It makes life more fun, doesn't it?
It is fun to think that people are smart enough to put hidden secrets where only smart people will find them.
I am excited to rent this movie.
T-- you are way obsessed! That is why I am going to conact you the next time there is a conspiracy theory about something.
I do remember that Da Vinci Code thing and being amazed that you were seeing codes on top of codes whereas I just read it for the good storyline!
Wow. I'm doing good if I notice BD got a haircut. Attention to details would not be on my resume. Good thing there are people like you in the FBI and neighborhood watch program. I'm not even noticing that Cannon is screaming while I am trying to type this.
I was wishing the other day that I noticed little things like that -- but maybe my life is easier because I cluelessly miss them. Oops Dan woke up cranky - bye.
Here it is. :-)
Take care
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