...chances are... you're going to have to apologize formally to Laura Numeroff for ripping off her story ideas (Sorry Laura).
To finish out Tag Week - yes, I really mean it... you'll be back to regular pointless meanderings soon enough - I've gone with a photo tag of a different sort. I had to let each of my children take a photo of whatever they wanted. Granted, I did kind of hover nearby when the youngest had my camera in hand - but trust me - they picked what they wanted to photograph all by themselves! This is H's photo - of her bedroom... she is looking to take real estate photos worthy of this. 5 minutes with a vacuum can make a world of difference!
P's photo - featuring W in action on the... shoot, I don't know what that thing is really called. We'll dub it the Wiggle-Car and hope that nobody thinks that my boys are still into The Wiggles (actually, nobody in this family ever got into that...) Nice action shot - it looks like W is about to take a spill! Nobody came to me for band-aids so we will assume it all worked out okay... or that the boys aren't happy that I let M pick out the Hello Kitty band-aids this time.
W's photo - he took a picture of my least favorite spot in town... the hill that I have to walk up when I walk the kids to school in the morning... what were we thinking buying on a hill? About 3 houses from home I'm breathing hard... after that it's a simple matter of going the remaining mile to the school. Oh, and if you look really hard (and have the same technology that they use on CSI) you can read the phone number on the window and buy that black truck my neighbor has for sale.
and T's photo... what would a 13 year old photograph? Why, a granola bar of course... actually - there's some hilarity behind the fact that he did... are you up for a long story? Yes? oh goodie, I love a long story! Back when I was a freshman in college I had a roommate named Christanne, only we called her "Stan" because... (wait, where are you going - you said you wanted the long version didn't you?)... okay, the quicker version - College Roomie's Dad used to occasionally send these. They make a great substitute for breakfast cereal if you crush them first. They are FUN to crush, it's therapeutic... whap them against the side of the table... jump up and down on them... throw them at the kids... in our family we've perfected the art of crushing them in the funniest way possible - and if nobody laughs, my appetite for them is gone. They're quite yummy sprinkled over yogurt too! So... that's why he took a picture of them - notice please that the package is slightly crunched up already :)
So that's it - Tag Week is officially over... if you've felt slighted that you didn't get tagged somewhere along the line - just pick something and do it - let me know and I'll be happy to come check it out!
oh that's a great tag to finish on! If I had kids I would totally have them do this! Unfortunately my dogs don't have thumbs so they can't take pics either! haha Have a great weekend!
My kids love my camera so much that I actually let them take pix sometimes too. Looks like you have a lot of photojournalists in the fam.
As far as you done with the tags..I'll have to see it to believe it!
Fun! I love giving a camera to a kid and see what they think is photoworthy. Back in the olden days that would have cost a lot, but not anymore!
ITs funny what kids interpret as art! IT makes for great memories though!
So cute. And so glad I didn't get tagged. I hate all that popularity crap! ;)
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I LOVE your profile pic. Nice pick!
Kids and cameras...ahhhh the memories of developing pictures of my butt, feet, the back of my head, close ups of the dogs, and more shots of the ceiling and floor...
Yippee for digital...Now we have a lot of shots of toys arranged in interesting segments...lol.
Tag weeks over? Hey, I've got to try that granola bar crunching thing, a great stress reliever! Maybe I can make my students do it outside the studio before they enter the building for class? You got a mention on my blog today, and I tagged a few new people... so it's not over yet! :-)
christanne from Idaho and her dad is a doctor and she has a bunch of sisters?????! I know I've heard that "Stan" bit before. . .
Di, you know Stan?
We also love that software CSI. My techy.scientist husband (as opposed to the sporty/outdoorsy one or the sophisticated/suave one;-) sits on the couch shaking his head, muttering about impossibility, speed capabilities and power usage. I sit there still stumped as to who did it!
A blogging we shall go, A blogging we shall go, Hi Ho a Derry O, A blogging we shall go!
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