
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Inherent Brilliance VS. Further Education

Now I'm not saying that I'm "brilliant beyond the glory of the sun" or anything - but I'm no dummy (no offense to Crash).  I always got good grades and could figure things out pretty well.  Even math - I hated math - but I could understand it.   I wasn't valedictorian or anything, but I graduated in the top 10% of my class even when they added in the American History fiasco...  (a topic for another day/year entirely).  I got decent test scores, I got into the college of my choice and I can tutor any of my kids (and many of their friends) on the work they bring home from school.  I'm no Einstein - but my IQ is above average and I consider myself reasonably smart.

The point here?
I really had plans to write a witty and wonderful blog post this morning - but instead I started "fixing" my book blog.  I decided it really needed to have those cute little Labels for each post... so I started adding them.  I was thinking that it would make the blog easier to search...  will it?  I still don't know because after adding about 30 labels on the oldest  posts (with about 40 left to go) I haven't figured out the next step...    I need a bloggy class!  That, or I need to ask my kids to figure it out for me :)  

Anyway - this is my not so formal apology for spending all of my allocated blog time adding what might turn out to be pointless labels...  but rest assured, I will figure out this out sooner or later and then "watch out world..."

maybe THEN I'll go back to college and decide what to do when I grow up!



Barbaloot said...

I do like the idea of labels...but there's no way I'm going back to redo them all. No way.

Kristina P. said...

I don't really understand the whole labeling thing and why people do it. Does it make it easier to search? If I need to find a previous post, I just use the search function at the top of my blog. Seems to work! :)

jewelstreet said...

lol. At least you will know how to do it by the end even if they don't make searching easier. Heck, I don't know how to do it so maybe you could post a tutorial on how to do it. Then you would just be doing bloggy homework. :)

TisforTonya said...

oooh, just finished labeling them all... and thinking that perhaps my labels should have been more... ummm... specific? now if you click on the "favorite" label on one of the reviews you'll see ALL of my favorite books... That might be handy if you're looking for an age range... or if you want to click on the "'meh" books to see which ones NOT to read...

(to label things - go to your list of posts, click edit, and just type them in the label box at the bottom... not hard, just tedious!)

Megz said...

I did the labels for about two posts until it started getting really complicated breaking down my wonderful posts into a few searchable words. So I gave up. It's hard enough coming up with a title!
(I think I'm as brilliant as the sun, BTW)

Sherie Christensen said...

I thought you were going to be a professional blogger when you grow up? Our friend Elden does make some money off of his I think. Right now though he mostly makes money for cancer research.

April said...

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up either....I figure I still have another 40 years to figure it out......what's the rush?

Congrats on the labeling!!!

Heidi said...

You seem very brilliant to me. If you brilliant you decided you needed to make labels rather than write a brilliant post (this isn't it?) then that was most likely a brilliant decision.