
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, the snarky version

sorry, sick and wrong though it may be...  it made me laugh. 

and I'm thankful for laughter.


Megz said...

I really thought the Sesame Street gang were more the Tofurkey type...

Teachinfourth said...

Well, he was a BIG bird...

Kristina P. said...

The snarkier, the better! Happy Thanksgiving!

Saimi said...

Ha! Good one!!

Have a great day!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Missy said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for laughter also!

Cluttered Brain said...

Awwww..sick and wrong..BUT he is a they HAD to eat him...rofl!
I LOVE laughter too!

gigi said...

Funny! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your's!

Karen Mello Burton said...

OK, I love Sesame Street, but this is still hilarious! Hope you had a great holiday!

Lisa said...

Now THAT'S a Big Bird! :) LOVE IT! And yes, totally sick and wrong. What does that say about me?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the laugh. I needed it. Happy Thanksgiving.

JoJo said...

Haha oh boy this made me laugh too. Good find!

Krista said...

Awesome! And to think someone is running around using his head as a puppet.