
Monday, November 15, 2010

Why I don't have a poetry blog!

the truth of the matter
and it's proven once again
my rhymes are pathetic
I'm no good with a pen
for meter I've got but little use
everything comes out
sounding like Seuss.*

and so I'll happily
stick to my prose
no blue violets
nor a silly red rose
I'll tell you my stories
from my room painted orange
with humor and wit
but no... oh crap...

*my apologies to Seuss... and his whole family


Barbaloot said...

Any poem that sounds like or references Dr. Seuss is a winner in my books:)

Missy said...

It's a Winner!

S said...

That just made me smile. Thanks!

Michelle said...

My poetic ability can't even compare to yours. Keep up the good work.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You'll be published before you know it.........or writing Road Shows.

Saimi said...

Hahaha!! Too funny, thanks for the laugh!!

The Crash Test Dummy said...


You are so dang cute!

I lub when you say CRAP!

Cluttered Brain said... it...
nothing rhymes with orange silly girl...
but you included Suess so this is good....

Heidi said...

That word "orange" will get you every time. I suggest inventing a word to rhyme. Suess did.

TisforTonya said...

or maybe I'll just paint the room? I'll avoid purple and silver...

Kristina P. said...

I think you found your niche!

Lisa said...

I'VE GOT IT! PORANGE! Whew. Just in time.

Megz said...

Heidi totally took my comment.
Definitely paint your room white. Lots of options....

gigi said...

Well, you go girl!

Izzy said...

Loved it, I have the same birthday as Mr. Seuss. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate your thoughts :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I think you have quite a quick wit,
so I read your blog here, while I sit.

Teachinfourth said...

You don't hear the word crap to often,
in a poem which hath been penned.
I think that yours is probably the first,
and thus I reacheth an end.

Sherie Christensen said...

Suess rhymes are great and your poem didn't convince me you couldn't be good at writing poetry -- if you wanted to. Prose is great too though

Jen T said...

I think Seuss would be impressed :) I think he would like your orange room too.

Cheeseboy said...

Given that this was clever and funny, I think I'd read your poetry blog. I mean you DO rhyme after all.

Living the Scream said...

I think that was a great poem I would also like to see a picture of your orange room.

Nicole said...

Sounds exactly like what happens when I try to make poetry!

Great to meet you at BBC