
Sunday, January 16, 2011

men of the what???

Maybe it's just me.

Well, okay - I already know it's not JUST me, because ManOfTheHouse actually pointed it out first. Too bad he doesn't have a blog to share everything that he finds amusing 'eh?

so when you see the title on this

do you automatically think of something like this?

yeah, me either...

especially since these men

are fine, upstanding citizens...

and singing just doesn't leave them with that same chiseled look...

should probably avoid going out in rainstorms for fear of being struck by lightning now...  will it help if I tell you that I'd rather listen to the choir than ogle the calendar?  true story.


Living the Scream said...

lol I did not think of that, but now I will every time I see that CD!

Kristina P. said...

I thought of that before you even scanned down! Yay!

Missy said...

I see that each and every time...

Saimi said...

I could listen to the choir while looking at the calendar!

Barbaloot said...

Well I didn't-but I will now. Thanks.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Wow... I may never see the men of the tabernacle choir the same now!

Tristi Pinkston said...

Hee hee hee ...

The Damsel in Dis Dress said...


My husband is one of 'em.

TisforTonya said...

oops... with apologies to the Damsel's husband... let's just assume he's hottie enough to pull off Mr January in the Men of the Motab calendar :)

and now next general conference we're all going to have some FUN visual images to keep us glued to our seats during the choir numbers.

Megz said...

It'd be awesome now if they did an actual calendar to sell in tandem with the CD....Pictures of some old men in long one piece swimsuits..I'd totally buy it.

Jenny P. said...

I thought the same thing too! Seriously, having never heard of the cd, I saw the title, and thought, "OH NO. This can't be for real!" Then I realized it was for real, but it was a CD, and NOT a calendar. What does this say about my general train of thought?

Karen Mello Burton said...

So funny! I didn't even think of that, although usually I would.

Sherie Christensen said...

I think it's funny that you thought of that -- and that Quinn did -- and that it didn't cross my mind.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I can NOT believe you thought that!!!!!!
Sorta funny.

LC said...

Hilarious. A Calendar? Ha ha ha.
I want to buy the CD, for real.

Jen T said...

Funny! I wonder how many other people thought that?

Cluttered Brain said...

lol...i never thought of that but will now of course...
thanks a lot T...rofl...