
Friday, February 25, 2011

Blogger's Block-s ?

have writer's block? Have I got the blocks for you!

okay - so these are not really for you...  because they're customized for me :)  You can make your own :)

Die 1: I've listed the people I most often blog about - ManOfTheHouse, The Veggie Teen, W, Po, H and M...
Die 2:  I've listed a few ways to present the information - Prose, Photos, Drawings, Vlog, List, and Poetry...
Die 3:  I've listed a few basic words that will hopefully trigger a memory - Saying, Style, Music, Sports, School and church...
Die 4:  A few more triggers...  First, Latest, Worst, Best, Funniest, and Most Touching.

I'm not lying, I might not be above weighting the dice a little... because I'm not quite ready to do a Vlog...  and you might not be ready for much in the way of my poetry efforts :)

but I'll give it a shot

so, this is what I rolled...
ummm... okay, maybe this isn't so easy after all...

I've gotta write a post - including drawings - to tell you about W's most touching saying?

OH!  okay... hang on...

working... working... working...

Disclaimer:  While I don't claim to be an artist of any sort - my real life pencil drawings ARE of a higher quality (or at least recognizability) than these...  (and no... recognizability isn't a word... so sue me)

Mustard (I had to label it... otherwise it looked like a traffic cone on a barrel... or a bottle of glue....)

Mother (and yes, I DID spend more time on this than the others...  I'm vain like that)

Monster - Oooooh, scary - even with his cauliflower hands... hey, drawing with a mouse isn't easy people!
You see, when W was but a wee little lad he had an "accent"...  surprisingly NOT an Irish accent despite the "wee little lad" bit...  it is best described as a cockney accent - but his speech therapist had a more technical term for it... basically it amounted to all of the above words sounding exactly the same... "mu-er"   It was cute and sweet... but yeah...  nearly everything he said was difficult to understand...  we managed to let him believe it was Mom's bad ears until he was in public school...

but THAT part of the story isn't touching at all...  unless by "touching" you mean how badly I wanted to beat his Kindergarten teacher for making him feel like an idiot....


Barbaloot said...

Those are some very impressive drawings:)

Sherie Christensen said...

Here I was trying to decide what to write about and I never once thought about rolling my own personal die. You are very creative and the fact that you took the time to draw those pictures using a mouse makes up any flaws in the drawings in my book! W. seems to have turned out well so far in spite of how his kinder teacher made him feel. Good for him.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I think the die of you is spot on! You really should contact Mattell or Hasbro to sign a contract with you!

Unknown said...

Hey...that's a great idea...hopefully at least to get the ball rolling!
And those drawings are way better then I could ever do with a mouse!

Kristina P. said...

That's funny! I could do that. Mine would say Snuggie and The Hoff.

Saimi said...

That's clever but I'd never be able to do a drawing.

I had a son with speech problems when he was a wee lad. His brother and I were the only ones who could understand him. Luckily I got him in an early intervention preschool program and he was cleared up by second grade.

Now he'll be graduating from college come June.

Lisa said...

Saddest day in the world~when my kids found out how to say their "R's." My brother had a fun one~he used "FR" for "TR." and "F" for "T." It only became a problem when it was time to be tucked into bed. Yeah, no. Seriously. We tried not to laugh. And my word verification is "fack"ediv.

Cheeseboy said...

What a brilliant game!

I wish he would have been in my class. I would have thought his accent was kick butt awesome.

Joni_rt said...

Bobo is sooo jealous of your nook -- that is all she can talk about -- and she is now including references to her March Birthday. So, to repay the favor, let me show you what Bobo got for Christmas.

TisforTonya said...

Joni - oooh, that would be SO fun... and a heck of a lot cheaper... sorry, I can start pointing out its limitations if you like :)

Megz said...

Way to turn to crafting for those stumped days of blogging. Maybe you can market them at the next blogger conference.

Teachinfourth said...

Wait, I have to cut out blocks, too?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Loooove the writers' blocks!

Lazarus said...

Loved the post and the pictures especially. Those cauliflower hands are scary! [The only thing I had more would be lima bean hands but they wouldn't have very good grip...] Just signed on to follow!

Suzanne Benner said...

Now you just need to make some dice for deciding what to serve for dinner... remember the defaults. :)

Life Without Pink said...

Ok now this is a game I have to play when I have writer's block :)

Victoria said...

hope you don't mind, I blogged about this post~and linked it to mine!

{told ya I liked this post!}

...let me know, if you don't allow such things! Thanx!