
Friday, April 1, 2011

In honor of Fool's Day...

I cannot tell you anything today... you won't believe ANY of it after all...

I could be pregnant, dying, or choking on a chicken bone and you'd just leave a comment like "haha T - I'm not falling for that one"

good thing I'm not pregnant or choking. Dying? aren't we all?

Best joke I've seen so far today?

This Sign.
(okay, so not THIS sign, but a bright yellow one... you get the point)

On EVERY door at the High School.

The Veggie-Teen was thrown for just a minute before getting out of the car and walking straight through the nearest door.


Saimi said...

Haha, thats a good one! I wonder if it was the custodian with the sensec of humor or perhaps even the principal.

That's great!!

Kristina P. said...

We have two entrances at work. I thought about doing this to Charlie.

Sherie Christensen said...

That probably would have gotten me because I have this thing about following rules -- even ones on signs -- and I might have not caught on until I got a bit of exercise.

Cheeseboy said...

Ha ha! I am using that door one next year at our school.

I pulled a pretty good prank today. I video'd it and will be posting it later.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That's hilarious!!!!!

Brandie said...

I told my kids no jokes I hate them! That is all!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Lol. I love the signs on the school doors.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Kind of sad around here that the teachers put more effort into the fooling than the mother. Oh well.

Teachinfourth said...

That would have been a great one to use! Maybe next year...

Jen T said...

That is good. So how many kids were late for class because they just kept walking around and around the building??? makes me laugh

LC said...

Good one. I'm just glad no one used it on me.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

My SIL, who pushed out an 11 pound baby less than a month ago, sent out an email saying that she had gone in to the doctor because of some pains. After doing some blood tests, they discovered they were pregnant again!

Having completely forgotten it was April fools day, I totally fell for it.