
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Leading the way...


I think if I did a quick read of all my blog posts over the past 3 years I'd find that at least 57% of them began with "so...".

I don't think I SAY it that often though...

of course, that's not the point of today's post...

moving on.

Once upon a time I was called to work with the young children at my church - "leading" the singing time...

While I DID have one smart-alec little kid once ask me why I wasn't waving my arms the truth of the matter is that's hardly a necessity when your audience is primarily concerned with whether or not they get to help you hold up a picture today... or toss the die that tells them whether or not they are singing in their drill sergeant voice or their baby voice.  Trust me... they weren't watching for whether or not I waved my arm...  they were usually FAR more interested in whether or not I tripped over a 4 year old in the front row.  (happened more than once)

for a little over a year I managed to avoid swinging my arm to the beat...

do I "know" how to lead music?

well, yeah... sure I do...  in concept.  In concept it's as easy as counting to 4... or 3... or 6...  right?

In reality?  It's a little like driving a stick shift - there's just a lot going on at the same time... I have issues with physically multi-tasking...  can't cook more than one item at a time (unless "blackened" is a flavor choice), can't walk and chew gum, can't drive and change the radio station (ummm, really, that's a bad idea for any of us probably), and I can't sing and wave my arm at the same time.

I CAN rub my belly and pat my head - go figure.  That's never come up as a church calling somehow...

So... they gave up on me and eventually got somebody in there who can entertain the kids AND wave her arms.  She's amazing like that.

and me?  well, I was recently asked to work with the teenaged girls at church - the Young Women...  and I couldn't be more excited.

okay, maybe a LITTLE more excited...  y'know... if by "camping" they meant "day-spa and retreat"

but they don't...

so I think I'm going to be looking into a good cushioned pad...

wait, who am I kidding - ManOfTheHouse owns enough camping gear to outfit a small army - I'll just raid his closet.

In the meantime - for my debut activity I get to teach the girls a skill tonight.

Leading Music.

No, I'm NOT kidding, you can stop laughing now.

how's this for a lesson?

Rule #1 of Leading the Music:  Lift weights daily to avoid that underarm flab...

it tends to throw off the congregation as they're not sure which beat to pay more attention to.

Rule #2 of Leading the Music:  Or wear a long sleeved shirt. 

Rule #3 of Leading the Music:  Really, who's watching you anyway... (unless that flab is REALLY entertaining...)

Hmmm....  maybe I should re-think this... unless I'm bucking to get kicked out of YW before camp hits :)


Megz said...

Hey, I've taught this one to our YW a couple times now. The first time it was 'fun' because we used the glow sticks in the dark and nobody could see jiggly arms. Last time it wasn't as fun because I ended up all confused at which direction to go since they were supposed to mirror me....sigh.
I'm sure you'll be in charge of the skits at girls camp.

S said...

You are completely in the right calling! You are so going to rock the activity tonight. They are going to laugh and laugh and laugh AND learn too, bonus!

Kristina P. said...

Will they follow you or the arm flab?

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Oh man, good times! I've been in YW for a while now. They are almost harder to entertain than the primary kids! :D

Once when I was in college, I came home to hear my roommates laughing hysterically in the back. Upon rounding the corner, I found three of them with their sleeves rolled up, waving at the mirror, and laughing as their R.S. arms swung back and forth.

Heaven help me, I'll never be able to erase that image.

Saimi said...

Being the mother of boys it was a HUGE shock to my system when I was Young Woman Leader...I had no idea what to do with chatty girls...

Joni_rt said...

My sister in Maryland must be on the same schedule as you. She is teaching music to her beehives tonight -- wish her luck. She is having them come to her house and letting them pick an instrument -- then she has a book of 2 chord songs that they're going to play out of. Among their instrument choices: Banjo, Mandolin, ukulele, guitar, and penny whistle (Oh, she and I must have fallen off the same apple tree)

Barbaloot said...

I know my goal would be to get kicked out before camp...of course, I have a bad attitude:)

Good luck!

Jenny P. said...

I lead the music in primary right now and I never swing my arm. I do make a point to smile at our chorister in sacrament meeting though. She's only 14, so I don't want her to get discouraged by the congregation's lack of enthusiasm.

stephanie said...

I was the ward chorister when I was in High school. I was awesome at leading music. I didn't worry about my arms jiggling back then.. It would be a different story now

Heidi said...

Hee hee--you're such a funny girl!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh, the dreaded RS arms!

I work in YW too. I hope you have a ball. I bet the girls love you to pieces.

Sherie Christensen said...

I'm going to ask my friend if she swings her arm when she leads the music in primary. I did -- and I kept the other one behind my back and walked around. Apparently I think better that way? I bet the girls are going to love you. If I try to lead fancy it throws me off. I hope I can laugh at my R.S. arms one day!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I love girls camp but it has not been in the cards for me to attend the past few years. So sad. My favorite part of camp is the singing. Not sure about leading the music though. Good luck with that.

LC said...

Rule #2 works for me !
What a great church job for you in the YW! You'll be fantastic.

Krista said...

This is an advantage that I can't read music. Musically illiterate. I'm sure my flab would be entertaining, but I would have to threaten to tattoo it. I'll just keep my arms to myself. :)