"work" in this case meaning hiring one guy to come and spray every square inch of the place for little nasty bugs that are trying to eat my walls. Yeah - those bugs. It's been a source of great stress - but somehow admitting to having termites is just like telling people my kids have lice. Which... well, I've done that too... after a month... because that's how long it took for me to find the funny side of lice. Do I have any pride left? No, probably not - and we're probably still a good few months away from finding the funny side of termites... mostly because lice only set me back about $100... termites, well, let's just say it was a little pricier...
Guess who's NOT going to Disneyland this summer? :) (what the what is that smilie for... hey, this isn't funny - I'm not ready to move on to the acceptance and laughing about it part of this... really) - although let's be honest, seeing the gang from Bug's Life - as big as life... might not be so good for me right now...
on the plus side - all my books ARE put away. and woe be to the child who puts them away in the wrong order...
as a matter of fact I can spot a series out of order in that picture... I might have to go fix that before posting...
But wait... that's not all!
No, I'm not selling Ginsu knives. I painted MORE than one room... you just didn't get to see the smudges of this color on my skin.
mostly because by the time I was done with that funky aged leather effect on the wall - the stuff left on my hands was all one nasty sickly baby poo color...
and apparently I have just enough pride to not be showing THAT to the world.
but just barely.

WOW - those pictures make me want to run, or walk, down the hill to see the rooms in person. They look amazing!
I love that blue! The leather effect is beautiful. Sorry about your walls having lice. How did you know? Did a wall fall in?
How do walls even get lice? Not playing nicely on the playground?
All that painting should have melted the flab right off the old arms. I need to get busy now!
Wow, I can see that I need to have you teach me a new wall painting technique while I'm there. It looks great. Will bugs in the wall ever really be funny? That would take a really good sense of humor for sure to laugh at that.
WOW! Good job on the painting...and at least it wasn't zombies in the walls. Yes, you got me to read those books by Carrie Ryan, but my library is still "purchasing" the third one of the series so I have to wait, and I don't think I'm being very patient about it.
Love all the books!!! No wonder we get along so well:) I see The Lost Hero on there...have you read it? I kind of loved it. Can't wait for the next one to come out!
We go to D-Land every year, but NEVER in the summer. You are just asking for it then.
Termites are not as embarrassing as lice, unless they are in your kids hair and they give them to the neighbors.
I think you could take pride in the fact that your house was edible. If you lived in a cement hut you probably couldn't say that.
The painting looks great. And newly organized bookshelves are awesome. Hopefully it will still look the same in a week!
Wow T. That looks awesome. I love to see shelves of books.
Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot...did you forget to give your walls the cootie shot?
Good job on the painting. Sorry about the infestation.
Okay, GREAT paint job, sorry as hell about the termites, and I didn't know there could be a funny side to lice~once again, you have risen to new heights and we look to you for inspiration. :) Sorry about Disneyland, too. Go to Target...that always helps me feel better.
That happened to the Bernstein Bears too, you know. So sorry about those bugs.
The projects look good! Yay for successes.
We finally finished painting with just a few minor touches needed!!
I am glad you can find the funny side to any bug, especially lice! LOL
It looks awesome! It's amazing what some paint can do, huh?
You've inspired me! I've been wanting to paint my kitchen for the past six years, and haven't got up the gumption to do it. I remember doing the funky wall treatments before -- just don't remember how! Heaven forbid I may have to look it up online and read some instructions .... can't I just smear it on the wall with a rag? I seem to remember it being that easy ....not too excited about the baby poo, though.... but your walls look beeyootiful!
I especially love the blue and the book shelves and the books.
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