It just so happens that aside from being born on a minor holiday in THIS country - I was also born on Chinese New Year - beginning the Year of The Rat... so rather than blame that persistent upper lip growth on my Spanish heritage - this is where I throw the blame... dumb rat. This is a source of no pride, and really has nothing to do with this post except to segue into the fact that my son and I decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year here at our house this year... It was his night to cook anyway so we spent a lot of time shopping for veggies, then slicing then EXTREMELY thin and (because I only had regular pork chops in the freezer) grinding my pork in the magic bullet.
One minor problem... I bought the "spring roll wraps" like the recipe said... umm... but I'm too stupid to use them. So the NEXT day we finally made these (after the M.O.T.H. ran to the store and bought the proper egg roll pastry)
Seriously... these were perfect... watch out Panda Express... my son may not beg to go there quite as often now... (because it's REALLY likely I'm going to do this weekly...)Now, remember your prepositional phrase? Good... keep it in mind... you'll need it after I tell you a story about a boy I was crushing on throughout High School and a fireside where we were not really paying attention...
So I sat there with Crush and a friend of his when Crush opens the hymn book and teaches me a little game... namely the one where you read the title of the hymn and place the phrase "under the bed" after it... Because I immediately opened my hymnal to a song titled "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" I suggested we at least change the phrase to "behind the refrigerator" - hey, I was a Molly after all (and those of you who knew me way back when can kindly stop laughing now). I warn you - do not teach your children this game... do not play this game during a slow testimony meeting... do not blog about this game when you know a member of your bishopric might be reading your blog... (oops)
Instead - use the version of the game I use at my house - we call it the prepositional phrase game (and my kids DO actually know what a prepositional phrase IS thanks to this game) and we use it with our fortune cookies - before opening everyone has to choose their prepositional phrase (boy am I sick of typing that) and then cracks open their cookie to read it out loud with their phrase... Trust me... it's hilarious...
So go ahead... add your phrase... mine was "In the mustard jar"... but that one was lame...
Okay: Try some of these... and I'll stick some of our fave phrases out there just for fun...
Ride your ambition to the skies In the toaster
It's always worth taking the trouble to praise people Under the couch
You will meet a tall dark Stranger Between 2 slices of bread
Right now you need to be patient On the roof
*side note... my daughter opened the last one about being patient after throwing a 20 minute fit about not eating her food (which was a sandwich because she would not even TRY the egg rolls...) I decided it was really for me... but I let her keep the cookie!
Here's mine:
Right now you need to be patient on a stump.
That is a fun game and a good one to teach prepositional phrases.
Your eggrolls look good.
I don't know what's worse--adding the naughty phrase 'in bed' after fortunes like we did as Molly teens or getting creative with sacred hymns at firesides!
My husband brought this game home from his mission of all places. But his phrase was, "in the bathtub". And yes, he taught our children this game, and yes, they play it with hymnbooks during particularly long stretches of stake conference. So if you hear some giggles behind you at church, don't worry, they're not laughing at you... Makes you look at "I Know that my Redeemer Lives" in a whole new light.
In the deep end of the pool after midnight.
I was not a molly mormon...I was a bishop's daughter...3 times!!!
I'm sticking to the Molly story until it's proven otherwise :) Lucky me I have very few readers that knew me in my teens!
Oh very fun. We are having our own chinese new year celebration with couples tomorrow and I think that fortune cookie game could be pretty funny!
Stopping by from SITS.... Cute game! I'll definitely play it since I'm a grammar geek.
My SIL used to play this with fortune cookies and you had to add "in bed". Well now. That made for some interesting fortunes.
Oh this could be good times!
So to answer your quilting question...I would say, no to your old quilt. To quilt a quilt into a quilt is really, really difficult because it's sooo much thicker than just regular material. IF you can find something else, that would be great. If not, I will make it work.
If you are trying to fix it just for your house, I would take it to your fabric store and they can suggest to you what to do. It might not be able to be fixed. Or it could be really simple SOOO that's my suggestion. I wish I would more help.
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