I'm a Mom...
I suppose that makes me a "Mommy Blogger" - and since I'm allowing myself to own that title I guess I should occasionally write about my family? You know... those kids who are
The youngest of the kids cracks me up lately... she's finally accepted that her bangs are there to stay and we no longer have to hide the scissors. Of course, her hair is still pretty high maintenance - but that's okay because we have a lot of interesting conversations while straightening her hair... For example:
M: Mom - why can't I say the F word?
T: Umm, well sweetie - it's not a very nice word...
M: but Mom, the COUSINS can say the F word so why can't I?
T: BIG non-verbal response including widening of the eyes and a note to self to e-mail all aunts immediately and ask which of them was corrupting my sweet, innocent children.
M: They ALL say the F word Mom.
T: (finally catching on) Ummm, sweetie, what F word are we talking about?
M: you know... like "toot".
Oh THAT F word... (rhymes with Heart... and Art...) well, frankly my friends it's just not a pretty word, and I don't know WHY it bothers me so much... I just can't stand when it comes out of sweet innocent little mouths - but I suppose I like that better than when it comes out of sweet innocent behinds.
speaking of smells...
well, okay - actually we WEREN'T speaking of smells...
You see I was SEWING... inspired by Serene's patched jeans I decided that there was a little wear left in M's jeans and I needed to be a little more frugal... besides, hopefully soon she'll GROW and we can just toss these right??? M was pretty impressed with my sewing skills...
they ARE pretty cute... and nice soft flannel inside so they won't itch :) |
M: You sew good
T: Thanks, and you give me lots of things to sew - so we make a good team.
M: Grandma sews good too.
T: Well Grandma sews better than me probably.
M: (thinking a little, but seeing my logic) Yep! Grandma sews better than you
H: (who was all the way across the room and might need her hearing checked) M, that's not very nice! Mom only doesn't smell good because she just got done working out! You probably hurt Mom's feelings!
T&M: exchange of confused looks - then raucous laughter.
and then I showered... just in case.
OH! speaking of showers... (oh boy - I need to work on my segues) I went to a bridal shower the other day.
A friend of mine had made mini layer cakes out of rice krispie treats... they were adorable... M didn't care about adorable, she just wanted to eat them NOW.
M: When can I eat that?
ManOfTheHouse: We weren't going to eat those - we just thought we'd look at it for awhile
M: Noooo, I want to eat it!
M.O.T.H.: Well, maybe you can have some of it
M: I want the top piece
M.O.T.H.: Okay, you can have it when you get married.
M: (with the lower lip protruding dangerously) but, but... that'll be DAYS!
maybe more than just a few of them... since she's Six...
She took the top tier for her lunch treat the next day... we decided not to make her wait - and I just have to wonder... Really? everyone knows the top tier is the smallest!?!?!

I love 6 year olds, they are so cute! And those jeans turned out really nice, I may have to copy.
that's my daughter, i don't know why she is staying signed in.
actually i'm not making a lot of sense this morning. I left both previous comments, the first one just stayed on my daughters account....sorry about filling up your comments, i really liked the post :)
Glad you decided to do your duty and blog about family. :) S words. I can see the confusion. LOVE the pants~it's an X and O, so it's like her knees are kissing people all over the place! You know what they say..."What the world, needs now, is love, sweet love." You're clearly doing your part. :)
LOL! Sew awesome!
Oh my heck, sorry. That was SO cheesy.
And can I just say, you're patches are about 50 times better than mine!!
I too have a strong hate for the F word, so I'm sure it wasn't 'these' cousins she was talking about....
Cute patches---and thanks for showering already, it was really bugging H.
I don't like that word either. I will use toot or other things. Don't know why. It just seems so course.
Umm, coarse.
You must be offended every minute of the day when you are around me. Oh well. I like your segues. M sure says funny things.
I don't like that f word either so I hope it's not my kids using it but I wouldn't guarantee that they never say it! Those were fun things to hear about M. And the pants did look good.
Related story: My sisters came home from school together, and one day one of them tattled that the other had used the "F" word the "B" word and the "SH" word and should therefor be grounded.
After a lot of reprimands, the other sister teared up, and said it wasn't fair, she hadn't said anything bad at all.
The "F" word: Fathead
The "B" word: Butthead
The "SH" word: Shut Up!
Okay it was probably my kids. That's the kind of stuff that good literature like Diary of a Wimpy Kid teaches...
...end of the day... M has been to school and played with friends... and there is a new small hole in the left knee... I think I can fit one more patch on there don't you?
You have some seriously funny conversations at your house!!!!
I think your kids are going to be keeping you entertained for years.
Whew, glad no one says the F word.
Now if you could just keep them from doing the F word, right?
Great patching job.
You're hired.
Love the sewing conversation!
I'm totally with ya on the F word!! Cute patches! I saw a pair of jeans once that the whole backside was patches...not sure whether a fashion statement...or some serious hole coverage!
Ooooooo, those patches are so cute. I may have to do that on some of my own jeans. :)
lol I thought you were talking about that other "F" word lol
Those patches are cute too!
If it takes being embarrassed by your kids to get you into the shower, then okay.
Love the jeans. I have a closet full here you can tackle when you are done there :)
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