Well, assuming those crickets are OUTSIDE the house. When the sound is coming from inside the house it's not very relaxing at all. I've been awakened at unfathomable hours by chirping crickets in our house... in our bedroom even... did the crickets wake me? Nope - ManOfTheHouse must MUST must find the source of the noise... even if it means moving furniture (and thus the body who was sound asleep on said furniture) to eradicate the noise. Don't you worry though - he's a very humane light sleeper - once the cricket is found it gets escorted outside... where I'm pretty sure it just circles the house and returns to our bedroom however it got in the first time around.
I can't really laugh - I mean I don't really want to share my boudoir with a noisy insect either... besides, if I laugh at ManOfTheHouse he knows how to get me back. You see, we once had an electric piano... (oh, I guess we still do, but it's a different one now) a cheap old synthesizer type of thing and for some unknown reason one of the sounds you could choose (violin, voice, etc...) was cricket. I can't make this stuff up people - there was honestly a cricket selection on the piano... and ManOfTheHouse thought it VERY funny to place the piano under the edge of the bed and wait for me to get tired before reaching over the edge...
Chiiirp... Chiiirp... Chiiirp...
of course, I'm pretty sure that's why the sound doesn't annoy me anymore - I just always assume it's him trying to get my goat.
I won't fall for it - and leave my Darn goat alone already!!!!

I could probably handle a cricket in the bedroom, but spiders and moths are another story! When that happens there is no sleep until they are gone--and I don't mean humanely...
My uncle once tore his house apart looking for the dam# cricket...only to find it was a dying battery in his smoke detector. I think he may have been drunk. Speaking of goats~or deer, my word verifier is bambe. Ha!
Hi Tonya...I see you all the time on Real World, so thought I'd stop by your personal blog and "see whatz up"
nice stuff
I love summer sounds too......not heard any crickets around here though. Maybe the whir of gigantic mosquitos drowns them out.
love the coyotes howliing at night
Alberta doesn't usually have "breezes" but gigantic winds propelling those mosquitos
tree frogs are kind noisy
Cricket sounds inside my bedroom while I am trying to go to sleep would drive me crazy!
And my husband would totally pull that piano trick on me if we had one.
Nature most certainly has its place…and it's not in my house.
OH MY GOSH! Can he come and kill mine... there is one right outside my window and it drives me nuts. Starts chirping justas I lay my head to sleep!
I can't stand the sound of our bathroom fan humming when it's bed time, Makes me wonder what Crickets would do to me.....The fan I can shut off.
That is so funny! I think our electric piano has a cricket sound too, I should try it out on my hubby :)
Once I thought we had some bugs flying around our bed but it turned out just to be some strange snoring on Hub's part.
I'm sure he's glad I shared that.
Maybe next time Q can humanely put the cricket in the neighbor's yard?
Nice article! So, I guess what you are saying is that if you ever do buy one of those nature sound machines for sleep then 'The Sound of Crickets' won't be your first choice?? ;)
They are probably in your ears. No worries.
My husband wouldn't dare wake me from my sleep. He values his life too much. I have, however, awakened him to screaming while having nightmares about bugs. :)
I prefer to keep wildlife outside.
That is so funny. The bugs are out in full force around here. Especially the praying mantis which my kids are horrified of. I had to remove one from the tramp the other day. My daughters were annoyed that it got in even though the zipper was done up on the net LOL!
My oldest daughter wrote a poem about crickets, in which she said "it was a very bumpy sound." I thought that was a very apt way of describing their sound.
PS: Do you need the name of a good bug spray guy? Lmk! ;)
Well, flip, you'd love it here, then. During July and August, the birds are chirping full force at three in the morning because, well, it's sunrise. Stupid birds. Maybe I will direct them to your house, where they will proceed to eat all the crickets and then we both could sleep in peace.
It could totally work!!
Between kids who have "bad dreams" or just help themselves to my bed, or when my husband snores, I think I would smoke bomb my house if I started hears crickets chirping in my ear.
Because I'm such a sweet night person..... :D
That happened to us one year and the durn thing was in the basement!!!
A black one, and he had friends...
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