
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Monk in Me

No... not that kind of Monk...

This Kind...

If you don't know - he's the Obsessive Compulsive Detective that I've grown very attached to over the past few years...

I'm sure that OCD is nothing to laugh about... so I'll just apologize in advance - but I laugh very frequently at some of the OCD tendencies I see daily.

Tooth brushing? When I was pregnant the last time (6 years ago) I could NOT seem to feel like my teeth were clean... there were times when I just HAD to brush my teeth - I could sometimes put it off for a minute or two... but more than one friend laughed at me because I'd be brushing my teeth and talking on the phone at the same time. Heaven forbid my bladder should awaken me at night because I'd have to brush my teeth on the way to the bathroom... and then again on the way out...
gum chewing helped a little... and now my non-pregnant self knows that I can handle it... I only brush my teeth 6 or 7 times daily now - that's normal right?

Books? You know I love books... but I have a little gripe - I would love if there were an industry standard on the height of books... getting them all to sit nicely together on a shelf is HIGHLY annoying to me... just saying.

Decorating? I have to be the one that replaces the trunk that serves as a coffee table... it sits in the middle of a square patterned rug. IN. THE. MIDDLE. not off to the side slightly... the middle. please and thank you. Yeah, that does mean I'll re-do it every week after vacuuming. at least twice.

Don't get me started on the dishwasher... I'm trying to let that one go... especially since we have a new dishwasher and my OLD compulsive tendencies just don't work with this one.

Yes, my CDs ARE alphabetized thank you very much - but my clothes are no longer arranged by colors. I've moved on to separating them by seasons, sleeve length, and THEN color.

and numbers... sometimes they bug me... can I just tell you - that 99 followers thing? I may have to move it out of my vision... unless of course one of you visitors finds me funny enough to even it out for me? (if somebody UN-follows that won't help... I promise... that will just make me cry)

and for the record - yes I DO know that I should be aspiring to be more peaceful, loving, and the OTHER monk-like...  but hey - Monk (my OCD Monk) just makes me laugh SO much harder.


val of the south said...

I like to call them lovable quirks :)

Kristina P. said...

I think we all have a little OCD in us. Oh, except my coworker who we have officially diagnosed with OCD, who said that he scored a 0 on the OCD test at a doctor's office. So, that's awesome.

Barbaloot said...

My movies are separated by genre and then alphabetized. My clothes are separated by style and color. I totally get you. I have serious issues with volume numbers and my parents dishwasher drives me nuts cuz I can't load it the way I think it should be done.

lori said...

I thought I was already following you....turns out I wasn't. I am now your number 100 :)

Jenny P. said...

Dude. I am SO normal compared to you.
(I mean that in a perfectly loving, you're perfect just the way you are sort of way. Of course.)

And yay, you made 100!!

TisforTonya said...

oh Yay! - now I can relax... maybe it was the 99 that's been causing this headache? hope so, because then it can leave me in peace!

me and my quirks appreciate the recognition...

Lisa said...

THANK GOODNESS FOR NUMBER 100! I am so with you on the numbers thing. Even better than odd. 2010 better than 2009. I count my fingers forward and backward, too. And if I turn in a circle to my right, I have to undo it with a left hand circle, in order to not be twisted up.

I know. Totally insane. Glad I'm in good company. :)

Annette Lyon said...


I've got weird compulsions too. I like to think of it as a sign of intelligence and creativity. But I maybe deluding myself. :)

Missy said...

Yep. You officially have an OCD diagnosis. I will not drink the last drink in a cup, turn pillows so the case opening is on the left...

Karen Mello Burton said...

What about combining the 2 monk/Monks? Now THAT would be funny!

annie valentine said...

OCD? Never. No, I don't sit in the recliner and cry about the four dishes in the sink, or stare at the five macaroni noodles dried on the floor under the bar from last night's dinner. Because I'm so normal like that.

Sandra said...

See, now I'm worried about the health of your gums. They will recede if you keep brushing that often...ok, that was my two cents. I'm off to place the shoes in the closet from smallest pair to biggest.

TisforTonya said...

Sandra - you and my dentist both. He wanted to kill me... apparently my gums are pretty healthy still but I'd nearly scrubbed the enamel off my teeth!

(and my shoes are organized by occasion, then color... they're all the same size though so that doesn't come into play)

Cheeseboy said...

Wow, your tooth brushing habits sound so OCD. However, I bet your gingivitis and cavity totals are amazingly low.